friends // jonathan brandis

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I do so many rain-themed imagines I don't even know what the sun is anymore oops!

San Francisco
You laugh, your best friend, Jonathan, shoving a few fries in his mouth.
You're out on a "date" as you call it, although it's not a real one. You're just friends. You think.
"Okay, okay, what am I now?" He over exaggerates an impression, and you narrow your eyes.
"Um... a walrus?"
One of the fries falls out of his mouth.
"A walrus... with one tooth."
He laughs, tossing the fries in his mouth, and nods.
"Okay, so, what's going on? How's... life?" His blue eyes shine, the overcasting clouds reflecting in them. The waitress stops by your table to collect your plates.
"Um... not much, really. Well, Matt and I are getting..."
He gasps. "Getting what?"
"Closer." You stir your soda with your straw, blushing.
"Well, what does that mean for you?" You think you can hear a tiny bit of jealousy in his voice, but you brush it off.
"I don't really know." You throw your hands up in the air exasperatedly. "It's hard because you know... I don't really like him like that. I know he thinks I do, but honestly?" You take a deep breath. "Look, Jonathan. I've been wanting to-" The waitress interrupts you, placing down your receipt and telling you to 'Have a great day!' in a peppy, sickeningly sweet voice.
Jonathan picks up the receipt.
"Jesus, y/l/n. You eat a lot."
"Oh, shut up."
You punch him playfully and he grins, placing a few dollar bills on the table.
He swings an arm around you casually and you walk outside, talking.
Suddenly, a massive raindrop hits your nose.
"Oh shit."
It begins to pour without warning, and Jonathan tries to use his jacket as a shelter. You both laugh and scream as the rain comes down, soaking you.
Jonathan throws his hand out, waving frantically for a cab as you laugh at his desperation. He hands his jacket to you, covering your shoulders, and you try to hide your blush.
"Do you see any vendors?" Jonathan says, trying to speak over the rain.
"What?" You can barely hear him.
"Do you see any- Oh for Christ's sake." He begins to laugh again and takes your hand gently, pulling you as he starts to run.
You use his jacket to cover your head, and once you get under the shelter of a nearby brownstone, you give him his jacket back. He continues to use it as a shelter, holding it over himself and you.
He peers across the street, finally spotting a vendor, and grabs your hand again.
As you run across the street, Jonathan stops cars, nervously yelling, "Sorry!" at every turn, jumping and raising his hands in surrender, and earning himself a few angry shouts and loud honks.
You finally make it to the other side just as the vendor begins to close his shop.
"Wait, wait! Sir!" Jonathan waves his hand frantically and the vendor pauses.
"Yeah, kid?"
"You got any umbrellas?"
The man looks reluctant to answer.
"Nah, sorry." He begins to close the shop up again.
"Are you sure?"
"Yup. Sorry."
"Wait, sir-" The man shuts the little metal grate of the shop, shrugging.
"Okay, shit."
Jonathan runs his hand through his wet hair and licks his lips, frustrated. You can't help but stare at him.
He looks up at the rain, squinting, then grabs your hand again.
You begin to giggle once more as he pulls you into a tight alleyway between two buildings, covering you with his jacket.
"Well, I guess we're screwed, huh?" You can feel his warm breath against your skin. Goosebumps begin to form.
"Yeah," You cough. "Pretty much."
You huddle closer to him and he shifts to put an arm around you.
Silence besides the sound of rain.
"Look, Jonathan I-"
"You what?"
You blink slowly, squeezing your eyes shut, and take a deep breath.
You finally manage to choke out the words, your heart beating at 1000 miles a second.
"I like you."
He smiles innocently. "I like you too."
This boy.
"No, Jonathan, I mean, I like you. I've liked you. For a while now."
"You... like me?" You see a small smile tug at his lips.
"Yeah. I like you. Um, I've liked you since we were, like, twelve."
"Really?" He sounds excited, and you notice a definite trail of blush begin to spread across his cheeks.
"Yeah. I meant to tell you earlier, I just-"
You look up at him. Raindrops are attached to his long eyelashes and they drip from his hair.
He's smiling.
"I like you too. I've liked you for years now."
"I- really?" Relief rushes over you in waves and you begin to smile.
"Yeah. I've liked you since we met. I just didn't really want to say anything because I didn't know how you'd feel, and, um, I get that, and I was scared, obviously. You're a pretty scary person you know. Or, um, not scary. Sort of... intimidating? I guess?" He narrows his eyes and ruffles his hair nervously, taking a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is, well, I meant to tell you earlier too. And, I should've. I mean, I know, I'm kind of an idiot sometimes. It's hard, and I just want you to know that you're just... you're-"
You stare at him and his words fade away.
He bites his lip and looks you up and down, seemingly frustrated.
All of a sudden, he cups your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours. You're shivering, but the second he kisses you, a tingly warmth spreads throughout your body. He moves his mouth against yours gently, and you grin against his lips, prompting him to do the same.
He pulls away and presses his forehead to yours.
"I'm... yeah. Wow."
"You're a good kisser."
You laugh and Jonathan wipes a raindrop from your cheek. His hands are warm.
You stare at each other, smiling, until a mischievous glint begins to shimmer in his eyes.
He takes your hands and begins to pull you into a little square all lit up with lights strung from building to building.
Before you know it, he begins to swing your hands back and forth, spinning you gently underneath his arm.
Quiet jazzy music plays from the speakers scattered around the square. It must usually hold concerts.
You dance in the rain and splash in puddles like little kids until the sun goes down and the only thing you can see is the side of his face illuminated by the lights, his hair dripping with rain.
You stare at each other.
He pulls you in for another kiss.

I really like this one for some reason? I feel like I could've expanded on it a little bit more, but honestly, I'm pretty happy with the result (for now). I hope you enjoyed!
Sending love,

🌧 Camhhhh 🌧


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