smoke // chris chambers (pt. 5)

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You had stopped.
You looked up to see a long expanse of railroad on a bridge of sorts. It was all above a ravine, which looked to be about a 200 foot drop.
"Do you know when the next train is due?" Gordie asked.
"We could go down the route 136 bridge..." Vern suggested.
"Are you crazy? That's five miles down the river! You walk five miles down the river you gotta walk five miles back. That could take till dark. Going across here could take 10 minutes." Teddy exclaimed.
"Yeah, but going across here could be the last thing we do, dumbass. What do you do if the train comes?" You asked.
"You jump! It's barely a drop." Teddy said, as if it were obvious.
"Are you kidding me? That's gotta be a 100 foot drop." Chris said wrapping his arm around you casually yet protectively.
"200 if you ask me." You gulp as you drop a rock down. You couldn't even hear the splash.
"Okay. You can take your candy ass halfway across the state for all I care. When you get to the other side, I'll be sitting there, relaxing with my thoughts." Teddy said, smirking.
"You use your left hand or your right hand for that?" Gordie inquired.
"You. Wish."
You and Gordie high-fived.
The group of you began to walk across, Teddy and Chris in the front, Vern, Gordie, and you in the back.
Vern was crawling on the rails, scared out of his mind. Gordie was taking baby steps behind him, clearly annoyed.
Suddenly, your worst fear came true. You turned, ran a hand through your hair, adjusted your glasses, and screamed.
Everyone turned around and began to run. There seemed to be an endless amount of feet before you got to the end and Vern certainly wasn't relieving your fears. He was barely moving, scrambling on his hands and knees.
"Get the hell up Vern!"
Chris and Teddy had made it to the end and Chris was visibly worried, pacing and clenching then unclenching his fists. He was muttering something under his breath.
The train was close, you could feel the hot air that was pillowing by your feet. You looked down to see your pale converse hitting the creaky railroad.
One of your shoelaces was untied.
You were feet away from the edge when Gordie and Vern jumped and you tripped, your shoelace getting caught in the wood and metal and you falling on the edge of the track.
Right as you thought you were going to die, you felt arms wrap around you and tug you up. You wrapped your legs around the person, immediately knowing it was Chris, and began to sob as the train passed. Chris fell onto the ground and your knees hit the the dirt. You hugged each other in silence as you continued to cry. When you had stopped, there was a considerable wet mark on Chris's shoulder. Gordie and Vern ran up to greet the rest of you.
After you had stopped crying, you continued to walk, each of the boys trying to keep the mood happy. They began to sing Lollipop, making popping noises with their mouths.
"Chris?" You said quietly.
"Yeah, y/n? What's wrong?"
"I- I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Thank you for that, by the way."
"For what?"
"Saving me."
He stopped, making you turn to look at him. Your head was low and you felt tears begin to form again. He walked toward you and hugged you, hard. He put his chin on top of your head and rubbed circles on your back. He kissed your forehead tentatively, then your cheek. making your breath catch in your throat.
"It's okay."
"Hey, at least we know when the next train was due." Gordie said to you, smirking. You laughed.
After a few jokes from Gordie and a couple more songs from the rest of the boys, you were feeling better.
You had found a place to rest and everyone had sat down, getting their sleeping bags out. Gordie started a fire and sat, making a makeshift seat out of a log and his sleeping bag. Chris laid back, his hands behind his head. You rested your head on his chest, which made him blush.
"Vern, you'd better turn yours over." You murmur, one eye open to look at him.
"What? Nah. This is how I like 'em! Besides- aw shit." He said as his thoroughly burnt marshmallow fell into the fire.
All five of you burst into laughter.
"Oh man! You got any more Gordie?"
"Sorry, Vern." Gordie said, giggling.
"It's not funny! What am I supposed to eat?"
Chris's eyes fluttered open from his seemingly blissful rest.
"Why don't you eat your dick? It'd be a small meal."
This made everyone burst into an even harder bout of laughter as Vern struggled and finally got his marshmallow back.
"Screw you guys! I got it."

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