Chapter 21; Happy New Year

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Chapter 21;

Happy New Year.

6 DAYS LATER: New Years Eve


**These past 6 days I've spent with Jawan have been wonderful. I stayed here instead of going back home on the 26. Jawan has been giving me his undivided attention ever since we got back together. He's being extra caring & sweet... I wanna appreciate it, but I can't help but feel there's a reason behind it. You know my gut is never wrong! Like that day, back in high school when he took me shopping for "no reason" & it turned out to be so, Jacob & Diggy could plan my birthday party. Plus, That pregnant girl keeps showing up in my dreams... My dreams are weird as hell! Remember when I used to dream about Myla? Well... There she is! So, Who the hell is this pregnant bitch?! I wanna be like, everything's okay, I'm overreacting & whatnot but, I can't fight the feeling that something is about to go horribly wrong... Ever get that feeling sometimes?
Well today, Jawan & Diggy are throwing this huge New Years party. It's supposed to be huge. MTV wanted to do a special on it, but Diggy said no. Watch them crash in anyway.
Myla & I are at the mall right now getting new dresses for the party. Myla threw a fit cause she said we could just send Regina to go for us. She's too spoiled.

Me: What about this?

**I held up a small black strapless dress.

Myla: Isn't that a little too tiny for you?

Me: Not for me. For you.

Myla: Me? I can't wear that!

Me: Why not?

Myla: I don't have any Yabbos!

Me: What?

Myla: BOOBS! I don't have any boobs. I'm flat already. That would make me look even flatter.

**I started laughing.

Me: Myla, you don't need boobs to wear a strapless dress.

Myla: In my book, you do. Romeo would p- I mean...

Me: Ohhhh. So this is about Romeo?

Myla: Nooooo. Of course not mommy! Were um... Were just friends.

Me: You really like this boy, don't you?

Myla: Uh, no. No. No. No!


Myla: Okay. Fine, Fine. Maybe a little. Just a liiiiittle biiiiit.

Me: Mhmm...

Myla: Okay, don't tell daddy... But, I think I might have cooties! Like, I don't know what to do! Every time he smiles, I smile. Every time he touches me, I get all tingly inside and when he says my name... It just sounds so perfect!

Me: Aaaaaaawwwwww! MYLA! Gimme a hug.

**She looked up at me like I was crazy, but hugged me anyway.

Myla: What'chu aaaw-ing about? I have cooties and all you can say is AW?!

Me: I'm sorry.

Myla: You should be! He likes you!

Me: Me?

Myla: Yes! He likes Aunt Shontelle too! And Aunt Leona... But, mostly you with your perfect, long curly hair and grown-up voluptuous body.

Me: My what?

Myla: He says all the time, "Myla... Your mom is very pretty. She's almost sexy. Like us."

Written; In the Life of Myla ReneeWhere stories live. Discover now