𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐧 . 𝐀𝐁𝟔𝐈𝐗

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𝘿𝙤 𝙤𝙧 𝘿𝙞𝙚

"Hey, Y/N, our school didn't win the basketball game today." Gayoung said.

"What? They played already?" I asked.

"Yeah. The game started at 10 AM."

"I thought it'd start at 12." I frowned.

"Who told you that?"


"Well, I misheard as well." She chuckled.

"I'll see you later at lunch." I waved goodbye and went to find Woojin. So, we are meeting. Secretly. Why? My parents doesn't want guys around me especially I'm graduating this year as well as Woojin. We've been dating for almost a year and until now, no one knows about us. He's my neighbor also, every night I secretly go to our rooftop to meet him, he, too has a rooftop like mine. To avoid peculiar noise that may make my parents suspicious, we communicate by writing on our sketchpads.

I've looked around the school but Woojin's still nowhere to be seen. I saw his teammates but they said that he left early. I wonder why he didn't bother to find me.


Everyday we meet in an alley then go home together, but I guess I'll go home alone today and great, it's raining really hard and I have no umbrella because Woojin always brings one.

Suddenly, somebody called my name from behind. I turned around and saw Jinyoung, one of Woojin's teammate, the one that told me he left early.

He gave me an umbrella and eventually left but I stopped him. "Jinyoung-ssi, do you have an umbrella?"

He shook his head and continued to walk away then I called him once again. "Do you want to share this umbrella?" I opened it and showed him, "Look, it's quite big so maybe two persons can fit."

"No thank you." He smiled but everytime he takes a step, I follow him. When he's about to run, I pulled his jersey to stop him.

"You still have a game tomorrow, right? Might as well be healthy and not get sick because of the rain. Come on, let's go."

We walked together in one umbrella but we didn't even say a word to each other. My house is quite near so it wasn't that awkward and the heavy rain became a moderate one.

When we reached my house, I thanked him and he eventually left. I hurriedly went to the rooftop, ignoring my slightly wet uniform just to see my man. Fortunately, my parents will be home in 2 hours so I don't need to sneak into our rooftop.

I got to the rooftop and saw no one waiting for me from the other side. I called him and he picked up after several rings.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I left early." He said coldly.

"Are you upset?"

"Why? Because of the game?" He asked followed by a sigh.

"Yea- hey, why are you like this? Is it because I didn't come to your game, huh?" I asked getting irritated of his attitude towards me.

"I'm sick of keeping the secret that you're mine." Then he dropped the line.

It was a tiring day so I chose to rest first before dealing with Woojin. It's also hard for me to keep our relationship away from other people since he was my crush for 3 years and I was excited to tell the world that he's my boyfriend when he asked me out, then I realized we're both graduating.

"Y/N, go down for a while, there's someone waiting for you!" The voice that woke me up was my mom's. They're home already.

I went down in my pajamas with a crazy bed head too. The first person I saw sitting on the couch was Woojin. I screamed and took a step back. My parents' and Woojin's eyes were all on me so I fixed myself and also went near the couch. They were drinking tea at that time.

Suddenly, Woojin stood before me and knelt in front of my parents. "You may treat me as Y/N's friend, but tonight onwards, I want you to treat me as your daughter's boyfriend."

Me and my parents were taken aback with his sudden confession but what he said afterwards made me love him more.

"I love your daughter so much. If we told the public that we're dating, you may keep Y/N away from me and I can't live life without her. I hope you approve our relationship and give us your blessing."

Woojin is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

"The reason why I told you this is, I don't want any other men around Y/N. I don't want seeing other men taking chances on Y/N. As long as I live, I want to protect her. If she's your precious daughter, she's also my dear girl."

"Good thing we already know the time." Gayoung chuckled. We sat on first row giving us a perfect view of the do-or-die game.

Players started to enter the court and Gayoung kept on cheering for Bae Jinyoung a.k.a her crush since 1st year. I also cheered for Jinyoung as a thank you for his gesture yesterday. I'm still a bit shy to shout Woojin's name since the whole school still doesn't know about us, even Gayoung doesn't know.

Woojin kept on glaring at me but I just pretended I didn't notice it. Heh. What would be his reaction later? I'm excited.

Our School vs Other School
1st Quarter - 12 : 9
2nd Quarter - 23 : 17
3rd Quarter - 31 : 24
4th Quarter - 45 : 35

Not shocking at all. I never doubted my school's basketball team's skills especially my Woojin's. Our school indeed has the best players. Next year, they'll be replaced by rookies since we're all graduating.

Woojin became the MVP of the game since he really gave his best and shot the most in the game. He was lifted by his teammates and confettis started to fall like rain.

His teammates brought him down and ran to me instantly. "Y/N!" He shouted which made the whole crowd shut up. "This is for you!"

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