𝐋𝐚𝐢 𝐊𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧

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"Don't you miss him, Y/N?" Seon-hee asked me all of a sudden. We're currently at the café that Seon-hee's family owns to chit-chat about our busy college lives.

I asked before sipping my tea, "Who?"

"Your greatest love." Once she said that, I knew who she was referring to. I'm shocked that she'll open this topic because we haven't talked about him for a while.

Lai Kuanlin, my first and greatest love. We first met in front of our school that's just right across the building he lives in. He approached me and asked for directions to a famous artist agency. He was speaking in English and luckily, I understand and speak English well.

Our second meeting was when I was eating spicy rice cakes beside our school, he showed me a paper that that tells him that he got in. He's already a trainee of that famous artist agency. After he showed me that, he ate with me and we kinda hit it off.

I hung out almost everyday, and I taught him how to speak in Korean, so he won't have trouble talking to others because, whenever we go out, he asks me to translate everything he hears.

After quite some time, we developed a bond together which I thought that would last long. I was wrong.

Kuanlin joined a survival show named 'Produce 101: Season 2', that show was a hit not only in South Korea but also worldwide since the first season became very popular.

This TV show just forms groups and disband them eventually after such time to pursue their own ways.

On the last episode of the beforementioned show, most parts of me prayed that he'll get in but a selfish part of me prayed that he won't.

Why? If he has no time to hit me up or meet me now, obviously, there will be 0% chance of that when he becomes a member of 'Wanna One'.

And, he got in. I was happy for him because he gets to showcase his talent he's been hiding for years. I was sad because he might not remember me as his first friend here in Seoul.

One time, I went to Music Bank to watch him live for the first time, hoping that he could see me or recognize me. I picked the best seat where he can spot me easily.

I didn't know what I was thinking that day. It was spontaneous of me to spend my time in order to see him. Of course, he didn't recognize me. Yes, we made eye contact but it only lasted for a second.

After their performance, I left. It was enough to break my heart into pieces.

I don't think I only developed a bond with him, I think I also developed feelings for him. Deep feelings.

"Y/N!" Seon-hee shouted my name, I probably forgot that I was with her while I reminisce our times together.

I replied, "Y-Yes?"

"What would you do if you meet him today?"

I thought about her question, to be honest, I really don't know. Why would he meet me anyway? He must've forgotten about me, I'm not that significant to him, but he is to me.

I decided what to answer, "I'll be happy. So happy that I could cry."

"Did you miss me that much?" a deep male voice, speaking in fluent Korean startled me from behind.

I can easily tell who the guy is just by the unique voice.

I refused to stand up and run to him and give him a tight hug, but I can't move an inch. It's like I've been frozen.

I hear his footsteps heading towards me and Seon-hee.

Kuanlin did something I never thought he'd do to me. He just gave me a warm backhug which made me melt in his embrace.

Long time no see, huh.

"Have you been well, Y/N?"

I heard his voice again and I can feel the tears starting to blur my vision. That's how bad I miss him. I didn't even notice Seon-hee take her leave.

I wiped my tears away before he even sees it.

He sat in front of me where Seon-hee was. Thankfully, Seon-hee closed the café for us to give us some privacy from his fans.

"How are you?" we both said in unison.

"You first." I stated.

He grinned, "I'm fine, but it's been a while. I, uh, missed you."

I missed you, too. Ten times more than you do.

"By the way, I'm sorry." he suddenly apologized and I didn't know why, so I gave him a confused look.

"August 25, 2017." he looked down, "That was the day I lost my chance to spend time with you. You came to my live performance. All I felt was overwhelming happiness. I wanted to come to you after our performance, but you left as soon as our song ended. That was the first time I wished time machines exists." he sighed.

I was speechless. All I felt was guilt and sadness.

"Your absence has killed me everyday. I was also afraid of losing you even though you're not mine and that fact always break my heart." he looked at me with his sad eyes that tells me more than he could ever say.

That was when I let my tears flow down. The pain I constantly felt was mutual.

"Then, I'll be yours, Kuanlin. Forever."


happy 4k! ♡

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