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Thomas' P.O.V.- (Y/N-age 4)
"Daddy!" Y/N called for me.

"Yes princess?" I respond.

"I'm hungry!" She said she jumped up onto my leg.

I laughed and picked her up while tickling her sides, her giggled growing louder and louder, Some of the maids had laughed at the sight.

"What shall we have for lunch?" I asked her.

"Mac 'n cheez!" She said, showing off the little bit of her teeth that she had in her head.

"Layne?" I asked our maid.

"Yes, sir?" She responded.

"Can you fix us some Mac 'n cheese?" I said

" of course sir." She said then headed off to the kitchen, as I took my daughter to her room.

"Ok you read a book while I'm working on something. Then I'll get you when Mac 'n cheese is ready." I said

"Mac 'n cheese!" She said

" yes." I said. She sat down on her floor choosing a book to read then I closed her door. She's a very smart kid, especially for her age.

I left and room and went to my room to finish writing. Me and my princess would soon be leaving for America. I helped Lafayette draft a declaration, and then I was going to head back home, straight to Monticello. Y/N has never been. Martha had given Birth to her in France, until smallpox had taken her. (Ps I know Thomas had other kids,6, but for the sake of the let me have this one). I was insecure about being a father. And I doing it right? Is this how Martha wanted her to be raised? Is this what she would want?

"Sir?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, Layne?"

"Lunch is ready."

"Thanks, Layne." I said, going upstairs to retrieve my daughter. "Y/N, lunch is done."

"Yay!" She said," daddy?"

"Yes, Princess?" I asked her, kneeling down to be around her height.

" Can you carry me? My foot hurts. I twisted it when I was putting away my books." She asked.

"Of course princess." I said. I scooped her up and walked her down.

I tickled her, and she giggled, "Haha! Daddy!" She said through giggles.

I stopped tickling her and sat her down at the table. She grabbed her fork but had to be reminded to keep her elbows off the table. She had mastered not to chew with her mouth open and had almost, completely stopped talking with food in her mouth.

"So, What books did you read Y/N?" I asked her.

"I finished off Gulliver travels then I read... I forgot what it was called." She said. She looked disappointed that she had forgot the title.
"That's ok Princess. Sometimes I forget too." I said.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Yes?" I respond.

"Why did ms. Layne start packing a bag with some of my dresses in them?" She asks

"Well, princess. We're heading to America." I said.

"W-why? I like it here in France, Marie Antoinette is very nice, I don't want to leave her!" She said.

" I know. But the war is don, We can finally head back. You can see Monticello." I said, smiling to encourage her to think positive of its

"O-ok." She said. She looked down and looked sad.

Her face broke me into a million pieces, but there was nothing else I could do. "Finish you lunch princess." I said

"I'm not that hungry anymore. Can I be excused?" She said.

"Yes princess." I said, sighing.

She ran to her room and closed the door softly. I got up and walked to her room. I heard soft weeping. As if the sad look on her face didn't shatter me, I was now broken. "Layne?" I said, her coming around the corner, "Check on Y/N for me. I don't think she wants to see me."

"Of course, sir." She said. She walked up to Y/N's room and knocked, and slowly opened her door.

Layne's P.O.V-

Y/N ran up to her room and softly closed her door. Mr. Jefferson asked me to go check on her.

I knocked softly on her door "Ms.Y/N? It's Layne. May I come in?" I ask on the other side of the door.

"Yes." She said.

"Hey. What's wrong?"  I asked her

"I don't want to leave for America! I like it here in France! I have friends and I know how to speak it!" She said and started to cry again.

"Oh Y/N." I said and hugged her.

"What are you doing? Are you staying here or coming with?" She asks.

"Me and Mr. Jefferson have not talked about it. But there will always be someone to help you." I said

"I know but what if there mean to me? I know my daddy gets angry at you guys when you do something on accident, and I don't like it but I will get in trouble if I talk. And daddy is scarywhen he's mad." She said

" I promise, if I don't get to go. I'll make sure your in the best of hands. One of the best." I said. This little girl is nothing like her dad. She cares about people with different color skin. She is going to do something great; I can just tell.

"Ok. Will you help me pack?" She asks

Of course." I say.

3 hours later

Y/N's P.O.V- (Sorry for switching POV so much)

I finished packing with help of Ms.Layne. I hope she comes to America with us. I looked around at my old room. It was currently 6:24 and dinner should be ready soon. I grabbed a book and started to read. We left in 2 weeks.I set my book down and grabbed my dairy.

September 26, 1789,
chère journal,

Daddy had told me today that we were moving from France to America. I am très en colère at daddy for not telling me earlier. I was going to miss Marie very much. We are best friends, our daddies being friends helped with our friendship. I need to go, ms.Layne says dinner is ready.
au revoir.
Y/N Jefferson.

I finished writing and sat my journal and went downstairs. Daddy wasn't there. I sat down and ms.Layne said to start eating, daddy was eating in his office today.

I started to cry.

"Ms. Y/N! What is wrong?" Ms.Layne asked
"I miss daddy." I said.

"Well come on then. Finish up your meal and I will see if your father is busy." She said

"Merci!" I said

" no problem." She said.

I finished eating ready to go see daddy. Ms. Layne took me up to daddy's office.

"Daddy!" I said.

"Hello princess! I have news!" He said

"What is it!?" I ask hoping we were staying France much more longer

"We leave for America tomorrow! The earlier we get there, the better!" He said

I frowned but I didn't want daddy knowing I'm sad I just smiled and went along with my act " that's great!"

"Are you all packed?" He asked

"Yup." I said

"Ok! I'll wake you up in the morning then we leave for America!" He said. 

He made it sound so easy.

Finished editing- 08-02-22

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