Chapitre 8

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I don't know how long I was out for but when i woke up it was already dark.

"Oh no." I said

"what? " Philip asked

" I'm supposed to be home by now! Dad's going to kill me." I said, quickly getting up and putting on my shoes.

"wait its only 10, what time are you supposed to be home?" He asked

" 8 I gotta get going." I said.

"Ok.."He said getting up "Shall i walk you home?"

I shook my head "No. It wouldn't go over well. Thank you for a great time today."

"Anything for you Mon Ange." he said

I smiled and walked out of his room, running into Mrs.Hamilton.

"Hello dear! Could I get you anything?" She asked

"No, but thank you. I was just actually on my way out." I said.

"ok dear. Be safe." she smiled

I nodded and walked out. It was cold and i could barely see anything expect from the street lamps.

I continued walking when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I immediately turned around.

"Doll, don't be so startled. It's just me." William Lee said.

To be completely honest, he was probably the last person I wanted to see right now. "Hey william..."

I continued to walk and he walked with me "What are doing out at this hour doll? It's not safe."

"I was just walking home." i said

"I'll walk with you then." He said.

I wanted to say no, but i didn't.

we continued to walk and he placed his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"william..." I said

"Yes doll?" He said

" could you please let go?" I asked

he simply chuckled and ignored me.

I sighed and tried to push away but his grip was too tight.

We kept on walking but his hand kept on lowering farther and farther down my body and I had enough. I finally had enough strength to push him off.

"Doll what are you doing?" He asked

"I think you should leave me alone William..." I said

He shook his head, chuckling "doll we are going to be together whether you like it or not."

I shook my head and started to run off, it wasn't fast because of the shoes I was wearing but I couldn't take them off.

He quickly chased after me but I couldn't beat him. He caught up to me and pushed me again the wall roughly.

"Doll. Stop running away from what we are meant to be..." his finger slid down my cheek and down to my chest.

I tried to hold in the tears but I felt one slip "let me go William."

" I don't think so." He said.

"I think you should leave the girl alone." Someone said.

I quickly looked over to see who it was but it was too dark.

"Oh yea? And what are you going to do about it?" William said.

The person pulled William off of me and punched him, knocking him out.

I let out the breath I was holding and walked over to see who it was.

"Jayden oh thank god..." I said, hugging him.

"Don't thank me. Are you ok?" He asked

I nodded "fine. But I really need to get home. Could you walk with me?"

He nodded " of course. Let me tell dad I'll be back."

I nodded as he quickly ran in and then came back out.

"So tell me what's happened in your life."

"Well..." so then I told him.

I told him about me and Philip going on our date, me catching him "cheating", me meeting William, the carriage incident, then today with our date.

"Wow. Want me to duel Philip for you?" He said

I shook my head "there's no need for dueling. Not everything has to be violent Jayden." I chuckled.

He chuckled as well and we finally reached my house. "Do you want to sleep here tonight? We have a spare room?"

He shook his head "no. I need to get back to my dad. He's a bit sick."

I nodded "alright. Be safe walking back."

He smiled and we hugged. Then he was off.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, bracing for the wrath of my dad.

And boy was I right.

"Where have you been? You were supposed to be back 3 hours ago! You better have a good explanation."he said

"I do. Could I change first then explain?" I said.

He sighed and nodded "hurry."

I nodded and went upstairs, changing into my night gown.

I came down and sat down. "The main reason I am late is because I fell asleep."

He sighed "you need to be more cautious. I was getting worried and was about to walk to the Hamilton Residence."

"I know I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I said.

"It better not. Now go to bed, it's getting late." He said.

I nodded and gave him a kiss on the head, and headed up to my room.

I fell fast asleep but nothing could prepare me for the next day.


Hey! I'm sorry for not updating in 3 days, both of my sisters are in college and one lives at home and one is still on campus and she came home a couple days ago so I wanted to spend time with her, and writing left my mind.

But can I just say...


Can I just say how honored I am rn.

Almost 2k reads.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my book would get this many reads so can I just say thank you to each and everyone of you guys!

You might not know this but I made a Snapchat to give updating on when and if a chapter will be published and just videos of me writing and to talk to you guys so feel free to follow me at @ M.dawn62242. Snap me or text me!

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