chapitre 1

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Y/N's P.O.V-
I woke up to daddy shaking me gently.

"Mornin' Princess! Time for us to leave. The Lafayette's will beat us to the dock if we don't hurry!" He said

"Ok!" I said, as I put on my Dress. Ms.Layne puts my hair up in a nice, slick bun, And then we were pushed into a carriage.

I sat down across from daddy looking out the window trying to pass time.

"I know this is a big change, Y/N. But we're better off in America. I promise!" Daddy said
We finally got to the dock. The Lafayette's were all there pulling in on their carriage behind us.
Daddy and monsieur Lafayette said goodbye to each other while I said goodbye to Georges, Anastasie, Henriette, And Marie. After our goodbyes me and daddy boarded a boat, heading straight for America.

(I'm not writing the whole entire ride they arrive in Virginia )

We finally dock at a place called Virginia, where I'm guessing my middle name came from. Y/N Virginia Jefferson. We set down our bags off at a place called Monticello. I liked the front where there was a little porch where I could read or play with kids! I changed out of my corset which I had to put on in public. Ms.Layne came with us! I was excited! I walked downstairs to see daddy looking ready to leave again.

"Daddy? What's going on?" I ask

"Well Princess. I we have to head up to New York for my job." He said

"But we just got here!" I said.

"I know. But will you do this for me Princess?" He asks.

"Sure." I said.

We got back into a carriage and I fell asleep looking at the fields as they passed by.

"Y/N." Someone said. I woke up to see my daddy there "come on were in New York!"

I got out and walked into a nice building. I went to the room daddy had shown me and i changed into my Magenta dress. Daddy said we were going to dinner with people he worked with.

Ms.Layne helped me put on my corset and did my hair. Ms.Layne put it up in a bun and wrapped a braid around it and bits of pieces of my hair framed my face. I headed down the stairs and me and daddy were off to the house.
Daddy got out first then helped me out. We walked up to the front door and knocked. A woman in a light blue dress came and answered it.

"Mr.Jefferson! So glad you could make it! Is this your daughter?" She asked

"Yup. This is Y/N." He said

"Hello, Mrs.Hamilton. I'm Y/N." I say greeting people how my father had taught me.

"Well come on in." She said.

Me and daddy walked in and I looked around.
"So Y/N, how old are you?" She asks.

"I'm 4 almost 5 Mrs.Hamilton." I say

"That's wonderful! My son is only 2 years older! Maybe you two could go play?" She said asking my daddy.

"As long as it's not a problem." He said.

Mrs.Hamilton pointed up the stairs and I ran up them.

"Hello?" I say

"Shh!" A boy said

"Why what's going on?" I ask confused.
"Me and my sister are playing hide and seek." He said

"Oh." I said.

We were in a closet behind several coats while the boys sister looked around. The door opened to the closet door and a little girl opened it "found you Phillip!" 

"Aw man." He said.

We both got out of the hiding spot, The boy I presumed to be Phillip helping me up. "I'm Phillip by the way. This is Angelica, my little sister." He said

"I'm Y/N." I said

"Call me Angie! I like it better." Angie said.

"Kids! Dinner!" Mrs.Hamilton yelled. We all quickly ran down the stairs.

"Y/N." Dad said

"Yes daddy?" I say

"What did I say about running?" He said

"Sorry..." I said, my cheeks flushing from embarrassment from being caught by my father.

"It's alright. Come on Mrs.Hamilton has made us a meal." He said

"Hopefully she poisoned it." Mr.Hamilton murmured, earning a slap and a nasty stare from Mrs. Hamilton.

"Thank you mrs.Hamilton for the meal." I say.

"Well it's no problem." She said.

"Our funds need a safe place for easy access. I think it's best if we established a bank." Mr. Hamilton started.

"We can't have one, You keep forgetting your plan would have the government assume state's debts " Daddy responded.

"Well if we assume the debts, the union gets new line of credit, a financial diuretic. " his voice raising as they argued back in forth.

"In Virginia we plant seeds in the ground, we do it ourselves, you are choosing to just move our money around." Daddy said, his voice staying monotoned and annoyed.

"and how would you know! If you can't even raise a child right, how do you plan to raise a nation? No wonder her mother offed herself." He said, trying to mumble the last part. But, he failed and the whole table heard.

Dads face went red with anger, as everyone around us had a look of shock on their faces by mr. Hamiltons comment. Tears welled in my eyes. " Alexander!" Mrs.Hamilton yelled, scolding her husband.

I felt the tear roll down my cheek as I jumped up from the table, tossing my napkin and running off outside to the carriage.

"I'm sorry about what my dad said." A voice said behind me, scaring the living daylights out of me.

"Jeez, you scared me." I said, releasing the gasp of air I had. "It's fine, Phillip. It wasn't your fault he's mad."

"Still, he shouldn't had said that. But hopefully I'll see you soon. Your dad is lecturing my dad, Along with my mom. I better go though, Don't want Angie alone in there by herself." He said, giving me a side hug.

"Bye phillip." I said

"Bye Y/N." He said, before running off back inside.

By the time Phillip had made it into the house, dad stormed out. He got into the carriage and we rode away fast. He held me close.

"Now listens to me Princess." Daddy said."you pay no attention to what that Hamilton said. He had no right. Believe me, he won't be talking to you anytime soon unless it is to say sorry."

"Ok." I said, wiping the tear from my face.

Daddy held me close as I laid on him. We rode back to our place in New York, Mrs.Layne waiting on us for our arrival.

She grabbed my hand and walked me inside, "let's get you in your nightgown, hmm?"

Finished Editing- 08-02-22

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