Chapitre 17

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His breath started to shorten.

I took Elizas hand and we started to sing to him.


"Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf." He sang back.

The doctor came in, with a bag of blood "he's going back into surgery. Someone donated blood... this could save him."

My eyes widened and Eliza sobbed "please... please help him.."

Everyone came in and took Philip away.

"I love you too mom amour..." I whispered


My dad realized he needed to get some work done so he left. I was with the Hamilton's.

I was still holding Elizas hand.

And we sat in silence.

The doctor came back.

"He's stable for now. We are still unsure if he will make recovery or not but it's a good chance." He said

I let out a cry of relief.

"One person visiting at a time." He said

We all nodded And Eliza looked at me "you can go Y/N."

I shook my head "no I'll go last. You two go see your son."

"Please. I need to tell everyone else of it, you please go"

"Are you sure? I could tell the kids."


I nodded and walked to his room

"Philip..." I sobbed

"Shhh... don't cry... I'm ok mon amour."

"I-I didn't know if you were going to make it... I-I can't loose you." I said

"Well news flash. I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled "good."

••• two weeks later

I was staying with the Hamilton's, until Philip was fully healed.

He just got out of the hospital yesterday, and he could barely walk.

I was by his bed side and he was asleep

He woke up "hmm...."

"Hey mon amour... how you feeling?" I said

"I'm fine... just pain..."

I chuckled "yea... your mother made you soup it's downstairs, would you like some?"

He nodded "please..."

"Ok I'll be right back."

I fixed a bowl, grabbed a glass of water and brought it up on a tray.

I said it down on his movable table.

"Open up." I smiled

He shook his head "nope I can do it-" he said reaching for the spoon.

I smacked his hand away "no. I said open up."

He chuckled and opened up.

And I fed him.


It was 3 months later and Philip was finally healed. It was his last week before he went back to kings college and we were in Virginia.

I chuckled and shook my head "no! We aren't doing that!"

"Why not! It'll be fun! Well catch a boat and won't tell anyone." He said

"Nope. I like it here thank you very much."

He chuckled "fine."

I sat on top of him and grabbed the side of his face, kissing him.

"Your so lucky to be alive right now..."

"And I'm lucky enough to be spending it with you," he said, kissing me back

ok I'm writing a bit of smut here so... WARNING.

He put his hands on my waist, drifting farther and farther down.

He picked me up and we took off my dress.

He spread my legs and kissed up my thighs.

I gripped the bed sheets.

He took off his pants and placed it right at my entrance.

He pushed in carefully and I flung my head back.

I gripped the sheets tighter as he started to go in and out, picking up the pace.

"Ph-Philip..." I moaned out

He picked up the pace and tried to keep quiet.

"You close baby?" He said

I nodded, him placing his hand over my mouth.

I finally released and that set him over the edge, I'm doing the same thing.

He pulled out, cleaning off.

You can stop skipping now.

We got changed and we decided to go out in town.

We were hand in hand, my head on his shoulder and we strolled around.

I missed this.

The next chapter a alternative ending of what might've happened

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