Chapitre 2

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Y/N's P.O.V- (age 10)
I woke up at ten and went downstairs. Breakfast was on the table. Daddy was probably working. If your wondering what happened to me and Phillip he started to change. He wanted to be popular per say. So he started to ignore me and we went our separate ways. But me and Angie are close. Not as close as me and Theo but pretty god dang close. But Jayden was definitely the closest (James Madison has a kid, I know he didn't had one but ya know, it's FANFICTION)

I ate my breakfast, I had gotten used to bringing a book down to meals because daddy usually didn't join them and I was alone.

Ms.Layne took my plate in and I went upstairs to change.

I changed into my dress and knocked on daddy's door.

"Come in." He said from the other side.

"Daddy?" I said.

"Yes princess?" He said not looking up from whatever he was writing.

"Can head out to the market?" I ask

"I suppose." He said.

He got up and gave me some money then kissed my forehead "Thank you." I said.

"Mhm." He said, getting back to writing.

I closed his door and went outside. I walked along the rocky pavement, kicking a rock along the way. I reached the market and went to a store to buy a cup of tea. I walked into the café there and sat down, after ordering my tea. Uncle James had walked in with Jayden.

"Hi, uncle James!" I said

"Hello, Y/N! What are you doing out here?" He asked

"Grabbing a cup of tea, Daddy is busy and I'm bored." I said

"Dad can she come home with us?" Jayden asked

"Well, I don't suppose why not." He said

Jayden wrapped his arm across my shoulders as we went to go get my tea.

" so, meet any boys?" He asked me.

Jayden was like the older brother I never had. We spent every day together unless I was in New York and he wasn't. He is 2 years older than me. And is 5'7 and I'm 5'.

"No! Daddy would have killed them. Anyway I'm too young to date." I said.

"Well, once you get 17 your dad will be killing a lot more people." He said
I laughed at his statement. I drank some of my tea.

*Time skip like 6 years brought to your by Maria Reynolds walking in from fucking NOWHERE*

Dad and I were heading up to New York. Another ducking cabinet meeting. (Idek how many years the next cabinet meeting was from the first one but you know it's fine)

"The issue on the table, France is on the verge of war with England
And do we provide aid and troops to our French allies
Or do we stay out of it, remember
My decision on this matter is not subject to congressional approval
The only person you have to convince is me
Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir."mr.Wahington said.
"When we were on death's door, when we were needy
We made a promise, we signed a treaty
We needed money and guns and half a chance
Who provided those funds?" Daddy said.
"France." uncle James said.
"In return, they didn't ask for land
Only a promise that we'd lend a hand
And stand with them if they fought against oppressors
And revolution is messy but now is the time to stand
Stand with our brothers as they fight against tyranny
I know that Alexander Hamilton is here and he
Would rather not have this debate
I'll remind you that he is not Secretary of State
He knows nothing of loyalty
Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty
Desperate to rise above his station
Everything he does betrays the ideals of our nation!" Daddy said, probably getting people on his side and pissing off mr.Hamilton.

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