Chapitre 7

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I stood up and left the house, shaking my head.

Philip quickly followed after me "Y/N! Wait please!"

I started to walk faster but it was no use. He caught up to me.

"Hey talk to me... why'd you say no..." he said

"Philip. I can't. I haven't forgave you. What you did... it's gonna be hard for me to get over." I said, starting to shiver because it was cold.

"I know and I'm sorry about that... and this date will help you forgive me." He said

"I'm sorry Philip... maybe on better circumstances..." I said

He nodded "alright... I'll figure out something else then."

I walked off.

I was still walking and it was getting colder by the minute (frozen the musical? I think so) And I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said

"No. It was my fault. Forgive me mrs?" He said

"Y/N... Y/N Jefferson." I said

He smiled "well forgive me ms. Jefferson. I am William Lee."

"Nice to meet you. Lee as in Charles Lee?" I asked

He nodded "my father."


"Could I walk you home? It's getting dark out." He asked

I nodded "sure. Thank you."

He nodded "no need to thank me."

( is Charles Lee still in New York? I can't remember rn)

We walked and my teeth started to chatter. "You cold?"

I nodded "a bit..."

"Here." He handed her a coat

I shook my head "no. You'll get cold."

" I'll be fine." He put it around my shoulders.

I smiled "thank you."

He nodded "don't mention it."

We finally reached my house "this is it."

He smiled and leaned in. I took a step away "s-sorry."

He took another stop closer "it's ok doll."

He leaned in again but I stopped him "William... I can't..."

"Why not?" He asked, getting a bit mad.

"I just..." I couldn't get my words out.

"Fine. Whatever. Doll, meet me Tomorrow at the flower shop at 6." He said

I didn't agree and handed him his jacket, walking, well running into the house.

I quickly closed and locked the door, out of breath because running in a corset doesn't work well.

"Ms. Y/N? Are you ok?" Layne asked.

I nodded "yea. I'm fine."

She nodded "hungry? Thirsty?"

I shook my head " no thanks."

She nodded and I went up to my room, not wanting to talk about anything with anyone.

But I can assure you I was not going to meet him.

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