Chapitre 18

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I'm writing this chapter and my ferret is in my arms sleeping and he just laid his tail on my phone like bro. Can you not?

Y/F/I- your first initial

••• 6 months later

Philip was done with classes. And we were going to Paris!

I talked to Lafayette, we got a nice rental house and we would be staying a week.

Philip was almost here and I was bring down my luggage.

I brought it down and I let out a sigh. "Dad I'm leaving!"

He came down "why do you have to leave me?"

"I'll be back in a week daddy." I gave him a hug

"Alright... I love you." He said

"I love you too." I said

Philip came in "hey Y/N."

I smiled and came out the hug "hey pip."

"Go on out to the carriage, I'll bring your bag out," he said

"Ok. Thank you." I smiled, pecking him on the cheek "bye daddy I love you!"

I got out to the carriage and Philip came out 5 minutes later and we were off to the dock.

"Ready?" He said and I nodded.

We walked into the ship and we went to our room.

••• 3 days Later

Me and Philip stepped out and I smiled "just like I imagined it."

"Come on let's go catch a carriage so we can get this vacation started." He said.

I nodded and we were off.

We got to the house and I smiled wildly "come on! I want to eat at my favorite cafe! I have no had it in 14 years!"

He chuckled and I smiled

We went into town and we went my favorite cafe.

We walked in "hi. One coffee with milk and a créme horn?"

Philip orders a tea and we sat down "I've missed it here."

He smiled "it's so pretty. But not as pretty as you."

"Philip don't be so cheesy." I chuckled.

He chuckled and we smiled.

We got our drinks and we drank them "oooh we should put a lock on the gate! the Pont des Arts!"

He nodded "that sounds amazing."

"Do you wanna do it?"

"I'll do anything you want to do mon Amour."

I smiled and we left.

We stopped and bought a lock with two keys. We had both of our initial engraved in it.

Y/F/I  J  and P H.

We walked to the gate and we enclosed it.

He picked me up and kissed me "I love you Y/N Jefferson."

"I love you too Philip Hamilton."

It was already dark out so we decided to walk back up to the house.

I changed into my night gown and I laid on his chest "today was amazing."

"Yes it was." He said

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