Chapitre 13

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Hey guys! It's the author here... anyway. In honor of Hamilton coming on Disney plus I wanted to post this chapter, also thank you so much for 9k reads, it means a lot.

Y/N P.O.V-

Everything was moving fast. Angelica had came over to help me get ready and I honestly was scared.

I hadn't totally forgave him yet but last night... changed everything.

He still cared about me. He wanted to make sure that I was safe.

And how could I not forgive that?

It's was almost 5:30 and he would be here soon.

I was in a nice gown and Angelica had done my makeup while I had just curled my hair.

She had left so she wouldn't be here by herself but she would be back tomorrow.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm having a lot of doubt but something feels right. Like it's supposed to happen.

And that is what I am focusing on.

I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it, but i had saw that dad had answered it first.

philip had a face on scared and embarrassed.

"dad leave him alone." i said

"i was just telling him to get you home before 12."he said

"Dad I'm probably gonna stay the night at angies." I said

"No! You can't be sleeping there! If you do I'll drag you by the hair outta there." He said

"uh huh." i said "bye daddy."

"Bye sweetie..." he said

i walked out, he took my hand and we were off

"So where are we going?" I asked

"Somewhere." He said

"Well I should know where." I said

"Too bad." He shrugged

I chuckled "pleaseee."

"No. Now stop being nosey" he said

I sighed but chuckled.

"Just a hint?"


I sighed but we continued walking until we got to a nice restaurant.

"Philip..." I said

"Shhh. No talk. I'm taking care of it." He said

"How do you have the money for this..." I said

"It's all taken care of." He said "hi, Hamilton for 2?"

The waiter nodded and we were off to our seats.

Me and him talked all night long and stayed until it was closing.

We walked out and he smiled "one more stop."

I nodded and we went to a open field that had a blanket and 2 candles and we sat down on it. "When I'm stressed out I like to look at the stars."

"It's beautiful..." I said

"Yea, it really is." He said

He held my hand "I really like you Y/N."

"Philip... we've only been on 2 dates. Wait till 4, then we can talk about it." I said

"I can do that. You promise?" He said

"I promise." I said.

The date ended and we went back to his house because we didn't want to go out of the way back to mine.

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