Chapitre 12

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Sorry for this chapter for taking so long! It was 2 weeks instead of one but now I got it!

Philip and I got a carriage and he took me back home.

We got out of the carriage and we stood on my doorstep "come on in. Just don't tell dad." I chuckled

He smiled and we walked in straight up to my room, and I laid down on my bed. He sat down at my desk.

"You can sit on my bed... I'm going to go get changed." I said, standing up and walking up and going to the bathroom.

I got changed into my night gown and came, laying down on my bed with him.

"Could I get you a drink? Something to eat?" I said

"No... Y/N, do you want to talk about what happened?" He said

I shook my head "no. Not now..."

He nodded "ok."

He wrapped me in his arms and I laid down with him, my head on his chest. And I slowly faded to sleep.

Philips P.O.V-

She didnt want to talk about what had happened but I wasn't going to force her to. But I knew she needed to.

She had fallen asleep on me and I rubbed her back, and slowly started to fall asleep myself.


I woke up the next day around 9, I got up and wrote a note telling her I had to get home before mom had a fit.

I set the note down on the side of her bed and I caught a carriage back home.

I opened the door, but the peace didn't last long.

"Phillip Alexander Hamilton! What in the world were you thinking?! No note, didn't tell anyone where you were going!" My mom screamed at me.

"Mom. I came home with Y/N." I said

"You could have at least told us." She said

"I'm sorry." He said

She nodded "it's fine. How go wash up. We're have breakfast here soon."

I nodded and walked to my bed room and Angie was on my bed

"Ange, come on. I'm too tired for this right now." I said

"you didn't hurt her again did you? You didn't hurt Y/N again?"she said

"No. I didn't. We didn't do anything. I just fell asleep there." I said

"Good. Cuz if you did I would've had to kick your ass." She said

I chuckled "good luck with that."

I got changed and cleaned up, changing into different clothes and went down to the dinner table.

We all ate together except for dad, He was nowhere to be seen but that wasn't unusual.

We finished eating and then I went back out, heading back to Y/N's house.

I knocked on the door and she answered "hey Philip."

"Hey. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" I said

She smiled "sure Philip."

Well that was a relief "ok, how about at 6? I'll pick you up?"

She nodded "sure."

"see you then." I said

She nodded and smiled. The door closed behind me and I had a huge smile on my face.

I can't wait.

Sorry for the short chapter! They'll be getting longer don't worry! I'm getting back to being able to write again and I'm having a mega writers block so please please please! If you have any ideas, dm me!!!

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