Chapitre 11

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Hello, before I start the chapter, I wanna thank y'all for 6k reads. Never ever ever in my life did I think this story would that many reads in a million years. Knowing myself I probably would've canceled this book so you guys are the ones that keep it going. So thank you guys. Feel free to talk to me anytime.

Y/N's POV- 

I had fallen asleep on the couch, the book on my face.

I sat up and grabbed the book, pushing my hair out of my face.

I got up and quickly changed into a new dressed and fixed my hair, walking back down the stairs.

I had the book in my hand finishing it and I got into the kitchen.

"What can I get you ms. Jefferson?" Layne asked

"Just... anything..." I said, not really paying attention.

She chuckled and I flipped another page.

I continued to read. Flipping page after page and finally I got to the last page.

"I'll treasure you for the rest of my life. Forever."


I didn't know how to feel at this moment. 

He had technically just poured his heart out to me.

I closed the book and smiled, hugging it.

Layne finished cooking and dad came down the steps.

"Get ready sweetie, we're going to the tailor!"  He said

"What for?" I asked

"George Washington is hosting a masquerade ball. And we're going." He said

I smiled widely. "Really?"

He nodded "eat and then we'll go."

I nodded as Layne sat down my plate and dad went to his study.

"Layne... if you were free... would you be able to go? To the ball?" I asked

She shook her head "I'd have to buy my freedom as well. Just because you would unclaim me as a slave I would go to a different man. And frankly. I'd like to stay here. I may still work without pay and be a slave but you do not whip me. Nor yell. I have it lucky. Your father may sometimes but you control him, I probably would be dead by now if it wasn't for you. So thank you."

I smiled sadly "I want you free... why do we have slaves? It isn't fair,"

She nodded "I agree. But for right now. I'm going to be fortunate of how lucky I am."

I smiled, getting up. I went to dads study and we were off to the tailor.

We got there and I was fitted. Dad chose a mask to go with my dress.

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