Chapitre 20

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Me and Philip were on our honeymoon. Since we did a big trip to Paris we decided just to go to South Carolina, Charleston.

Charleston was beautiful. They had just recently built a fountain shaped like a pineapple and I loved it. (Once again this was built in 1990 but I get this one too cuz you know why? Cuz I'm the author. (See what I did there?)

We decided we would go to the island across from the center where John Laurens died.

While my mother lived in America she had befriended John Laurens and dad slowly befriended him too. I know he held me as a baby maybe once but, I know Philips family was close with him.

We were staying at this hotel, it had a weird walk in but we slowly got into our room.

We sat down on the bed and and I laid back.

He laid upside down and I turned to faced him, kissing him.

He kissed back and I smiled "I love you."

"I love you too Mrs. Hamilton." He said

I smiled and I laid down, kind of tired "we should take a nap..."

He chuckled "go ahead Mrs. Hamilton. I'll be here when you wake up."

I nodded and smiled, going to sleep.


I woke up and it was dark out side "pip?"

He looked over "yes mon amour?"

"What time is it?" I asked

"Late. But your not falling asleep anytime soon." He chuckled

I nodded "that's for sure."

He smiled "I love you."

"I love you too."

He smiled and picked me up, setting me over his lap.

I kissed him and started going down his neck.

And then one thing led to another...

And you can kinda figure out the rest.


It was the next day and we were going across the river.

We got onto the island and walked around.

Then we stopped.

They had a sign of where John was killed and I took Philips hand.

"My mother was one of his friends... in the letters she left me... she wanted me to stay in contact with him... but that didn't happen..."

"He was my fathers closest friend. Spoke very highly of him. He was supposed to be my god father but he died..." Philip said

I squeezed his hand "i love you, Philip Hamilton."

"I love you, Y/N Hamilton."

••• 3 months later

Angie has met a guy, Richard Price. They had been writing back and forth. And I think they will start courting.

"Angie, he sound amazing! When's the wedding?" I asked

She slapped me lightly "No need to get excessive."

I chuckled but my smiled faded "I'll be back..."

I ran off to the bathroom and a threw up. Angie came in "are you ok?"

I nodded "yea, I probably caught a virus... I'll be ok."

She nodded "alright. Well I think you should lay down for a bit."

"No I'm ok..."

She helped me up "your going to lay down anyway."


It was that night and me and Eliza are going on a walk.

"Eliza I have a question..." I said

She nodded "ask away dear."

"How did you know you were pregnant?"

"Y/N! Are you pregnant?" She said

"I don't know... I've been getting sick this past week and I've been getting dizzy easily."

"Morning sickness and vertigo! Have you had your period?"

I shook my head "I've missed months before so I thought it was normal..."

"I think it's safe for you to say your pregnant dear!"

I sighed "oh no..."

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

I nodded "of course I am! I'm just scared of what Philip is going to say..."

She nodded "Philip will love it, and if he doesn't I'll tear his ear off."

I smiled "thanks Eliza."

"Anytime dear."


It was a couple nights later and I decided to tell the Hamilton's. All together.

Philip still doesn't know.

I was in my carriage on the way to the Hamilton residence and I finally got there.

Eliza has answered the door "hello dear!"

I smiled "hey Eliza."

"Come on in! You must be burning up."

I smiled and came in.

Philip saw me and came up, kissing my cheek "hello mon amour."

"Hey pip."

We all sat down and fixed our plates.

I ate slowly, dreading the moment to tell them.

Everyone was there. Alexander, Eliza, Philip. Angelica, James, AJ, John, William, Eliza Holly, and baby Rensselaer (it's Elizas other brothers name, since you know, Philip is still alive)

We continued to eat "so. Have you too start looking at houses?" Eliza said

I shook my head "no, not yet."

"There's a lovely cottage I passed the other day, having a Dick Van Russell sign in the front yard, selling it."

"We'll be sure to check it out mama." Philip said

We continued with the small chit chat until we were done eating.

I cleared my throat "so before anyone gets up and leave I have something to tell you."

I had everyone's attention, including Alexander's, "I'm pregnant..."

Angie shot up "no way!"

She gave me a tight hug "how far along are you?"

"3 months?"

She smiled "I'm going to be a aunt!"

I got everyone's congratulations and then I turned to Philip "dear? Are you alright?"

"Your... pregnant?" He said

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." I looked down, disappointed.

He didn't want the kid.

He wasn't excited.

He was surprised, but not in a good way.

He looked at me and picked up my chin, kissing me.

He leaned his head on mine "I can't wait to raise this baby with you.."

His hands were on my belly and I smiled, a tear falling out of my eye "stupid hormones..."

He chuckled and kissed me again "I love you Y/ N Hamilton."

"I love you too pip."


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