Chapitre 22

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•••two months later

It was getting closer and closer to my due date.

It was a cold February, the coldest it's ever been before. So me and Philip would stay inside our new house.

We had the fire going on the 13 of February. I was laying on Philip and reading a book.

Philip was working on his new case which I didn't mind, it was coming quicker than he had liked and he definitely didn't need that stress placed on him, especially not now.

I got up to get a glass of water but I fell back down in pain.

Philip rushed to my side "mon amour what's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts... badly pip..."

"Ok ok... let's get you to a doctor." He said.

Father had given me Layne as a house warming gift but me and Philip freed her. She is now no longer a slave but she wanted to be our maid but we paid her.

Layne caught us our carriage and she took one herself to my fathers place.

I gripped Philips hand right as pain shot through me.

He sucked in with pain but he held me tight "you'll be ok."

And with that I felt that I was sitting in a puddle of water.

"M-my water broke..." I said

"faster!" Philip said to the carriage man.

The carriage sped up until we finally reached the hospital.

Philip walked me in and the nurses rushed us to a room.

I was only 2 centimeters dilated. And I would be here for about 17 more hours.


I groaned as someone dropped something loudly.

"Sorry love."

"Philip. I'm sorry. But if you drop just one more thing. I will beat you until you can't see."

"Yes ma'am." He said

I smiled "now, come talk to me... so I can get my mind off these contractions."

He nodded "want me to read to you?"

"No. No books. Just talk to me..."

He nodded and took my hand and rubbed my stomach "so for names... for our girl."

"Girl? Who said it was a girl?" I said.

"I did. And I'm always right." He said

"Your never right. You've never been right."

He chuckled "fair, fair but I know it's a girl."

"Well what's your girls name?" I said

"Well after my sister... Angelica but for the middle name I was thinking Martha... after your mother... and maybe Eliza for a second middle name."

I smiled "I love it. But for a boy... I was thinking Thomas Alexander."

"I like it." He said

I nodded "so. For a girl, Angelica Martha Elizabeth Hamilton or for a boy Thomas Alexander Hamilton."

He nodded "perfect."

My dad had arrived and I smiled "hi dad."

"Hey, how far along are you?"

We'll be here for about 14 more hours... it's been 3 already."

He chuckled "I best be getting comfortable."


I had fallen asleep and woke up at 6.

Philip was asleep and so was my dad. Angie has shown up while I was asleep and she was out too,

Eliza and Alexander were out side and I walked out "would you guys like to come in?"

Eliza smiled "come on Alexander."

"No. I'll stay here with the other kids." He said

"No dad, I can watch them." James said

He nodded and they both walked in.

"How you feeling?" Eliza asked

"Fine. Until the contractions come on."

"Oh tell me about it." She chuckled "what do you want it to be?"

"Healthy." I chuckled

She smiled "me too. But boy or a girl?"

"I don't really care either way... I'll love them the same."

She smiled but then the nurse had to check in so they left. Along with my dad and Angie.

The nurse smiled at me "your moving along quicker than expected. Your 9 centimeters. Contractions should be getting worse. We're going to go ahead and get ready."

I nodded as she left and Philip walked beside me "I love you so much-"

He didn't get to finish out his sentence as a contraction came on. Me squeezing his hand tightly.

The nurses ran back in along with the doctor came over "alright Mrs. Hamilton. You are 10 centimeters. You can start to push."

And that's what I did.

For a hour and 30 minutes.

And finally I heard a cry.

Relief over came me and I smiled as the doctor handed me my baby.

"It's a boy."

I cried and I held him close, Philip putting his arm around me "h-hello mister..."

Philip chuckled, his eyes watery " I guess you were right. I am never right."

I chuckled "Thomas this is your daddy..."

He smiled and his voice broke "h-hey buddy."

His fingers reached out and gripped Philips finger.

I kissed his forehead. "I love you Thomas."

The nurse came over to clean him off, weigh him, and then do a check up.

Philip kissed mg hand and wiped me face away of sweat and tears.

I was to take a nap and Thomas would be brought back to try to nurse that was what I was going to do.


I woke up and saw Philip still by my side "where's Thomas?"

"Sleeping. I can get a nurse and he can try to nurse." He said


He walked out and caught a nurse who brought back Thomas to me.

I held him "hello Thomas..."

He gave me a smile and I looked into his eyes. He had my hair but Philips eyes.

I smiled "bring in your parents? And my dad? I want them to meet him. "

He nodded "of course."

He walked out and walked back in with Eliza, Alexander, and my dad

They all crowded around "everyone this is Thomas Alexander Hamilton..."

Dad looked at Alexander and Alexander did the same.

Eliza had a big smile on her face "oh he's beautiful!"

I smiled "he is... he really is..."

They all passed him around and then left so we could try to feed him.

My son.

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