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Y/N's P.O.V, 1 month later-

Right now I was in the hospital. It felt like I was going into labor but I was only 7 months, almost 8.

Philip has my hand and I squeezing tightly. It was more painful than when Thomas was born.

The doctor "ok... I don't know what's going on but your going to have to push Mrs. Hamilton."

"N-no... they aren't supposed to be here for another month..." I said

"Well that's not happening now... so start pushing."

I pushed hard, but nothing happened, so I did it again.

And again.

And again.

For another hour.

Until I heard a cry.

But I passed out from the pain.


I woke up and I looked around, Philip sitting beside me with Thomas "wheres the baby..." I groaned out.

"She's getting a check up.." he said


"It's a girl."

I smiled "give me Thomas..."

Philip placed Thomas in my arms and I smiled "hello mister. Here soon, you'll meet your baby sister."

The nurse walked in "good to see you awake. I'll go bring her out."

I nodded and Philip took Thomas back and then the nurse came back.

I smiled widely "oh..."

I held her, Thomas was small but not as small as she was.

"She's 5 pounds and 11 ounces. For being a pre-me, she's healthy. You'll have to stay here for 2 weeks though, she'll need proper card until she is more than 6 pounds."

I nodded "she's perfect..."

Philip nodded "Angelica Martha Elizabeth Hamilton..."

I smiled and kissed her forehead.


We finally got to take home Angelica home. She was about 6 pounds and I smiled widely.

I had my family.

Philip. Thomas. And Angelica. And that all I needed.

••• 4 years later

"Angelica! Quit messing with your brother!" I scolded my oldest daughter, who was now 4.

Just a little check up: Thomas is 5, Angelica is 4 and we have 2 more little ones, my twin boys who are 2, Henry William and John Philip.

And I'm pregnant again and I plan for this one to be my last. 7 months.

"Sowwy mama." Angelica said

"It's fine. Now got was your hands, were going to go eat lunch."

She nodded and ran off. Thomas came back and I picked him up, he was a mommy's girl "did you wash your hands Thomas?"

He nodded and I sat him down " ok, go eat your sandwich."

I went over to the twins and gave them their food, which was grapes and apple sauce.

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