Chapitre 4

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"So Phillip..." Angie started.

I sighed, scared of what she was going to say.

"Yea?" He responded, his glance still on me,

"Your single right?"

His head snapped towards her "what?"

"You heard me. Your single right?"

He slowly nodded "yea..."

"Well so is Y/N."

I looked over at Angie with wide eyes "Angelica-"

"Shush... ask her on a date will ya?" She said, moving and pushing Phillip into me, is falling over. He was on top of me as I lay in grass.

"Shit I'm sorry..." Philip was moving, trying to get up the same time I was.

"No it's... fine..." we were struggling until our lips had accidentally touched her each other.

We both had pulled away as soon as it happened and he didn't do anything but I had wiped my mouth. He seemed to look upset," so... getting on topic of what Angie said... maybe you would want to go on a date... sometime?"

"I-i uh... sure?" I said, unsure.

He smiled wide "I'll pick you up tomorrow, around 4?"

I had nodded "yes."

He smiled. "It's a date."


I had somehow snuck back in yesterday without him noticing. It was about 3:14 so I was finishing getting ready, wearing a dress with minimal "poof" per-say.

I was finishing up reading and had told Layne to tell me if he had came to the door and not to tell my father if I went with him. She agreed and I just hoped she wouldn't caught.

Anyway, I was reading up in my room, waiting for the time to pass as Layne came up, telling me he was here.

"40 minutes early?"  I pondered.

I walked downstairs and opened the door, waving by to Layne. He smiled "hey."

"Hey." I smiled back as we walked back to his carriage

"You look lovely." He said

"So do you. Well not like lovely, like pretty, wait no... handsome..." I shook my head at myself "sorry..."

He chuckled "don't be."

I smiled "where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked.

I chuckled "really?"

He nodded "Yep."

We walked off, hand in hand, down the rocky path.

"Maybe a hint?" I nagged.

"No." He said, smirking slightly.

I sighed and continued walking until we came to a halt, him pulling us in a alley.

"Wha- Philip!" I said

"Shh." He said


A pair of lips were smashed against mine, I denied it at first but slowly gave in.

He pulled away "so what was that... for..." I asked.

"James Madison was walking, who knows what would've happened if he saw us" he said

"Oh... yea..." I said.

We continued to walk "not a bad kisser." He said, a smirk forming on his face.

"Oh shut up..." I said

"I'm sure I'm the one who shut you up." He chuckled

I smacked him lightly "close your eyes."

"Why?" I asked

"Just close them." He said so I closed them

He put a necklace on me and then he helped walk me to our destination.

After 5 minutes he finally said "ok open your eyes."

I smiled and opened them. It was a night picnic set up type with cute rose petals everywhere. "Oh Phillip..."

"Sit down." He smiled and I sat down.

He sat down beside me and poured me a cup of tea.


We sat there for a while just talking.

"So your telling me that he screamed at George Washington? Like the George Washington?"

He chuckled "yea. Dads not the brightest."

I chuckled some more and he grabbed my hand.

I smiled and lied my head on his shoulder "this was fun..."

He smiled "yea it was."

He looked down at me and we slowly leaned in.

Our lips were placed on one another once again.

His lips were soft. And gentle. He was soft and gentle.

I loved it.


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while... my boyfriend broke up with me, I went to a assembly and I lost one of my friends but things seem to be getting better now so I'll be updating more often!!


Just a psa I love seeing all of your guys comments! Dont be afraid to :) stay healthy.

Broadway closed all shows and I'm very sad because I was supposed to see Beetlejuice March 28 but we have to reschedule it so be safe and healthy while you are off school if your off!

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