Chapitre 16

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••• One Week Later

Philip was leaving today, November 18.

I wouldn't see him for another month and a half, and that wasn't bad but it would need some taking used to.

I was at the front doorstep of the Hamilton residence.

Everybody was packing up to go back to New York.

I knocked and John answered the door "hey, mind if I come in John?"

He nodded "yea, mama! Y/N is here!"

I smiled coming in, I went up to Philips room and say him packing "need some help?"

He turned around "hey y/n/n..."

I gave him a hug "write to me everyday... ok?"

He nodded "of course."

"Don't die." I said

He nodded "I promise."

I came out of the hug "now let me help you pack."

We packed together and then it was finally time for them to leave.

I gave him a kiss "I love you."

"I love you too."

We were in a hug until it had had to get in a carriage.

I waved bye until they were gone.

I sighed and walked back, my head to the ground.

I got back home, laying in my bed, reading a book.

And that's what I did the next 4 days.

Finally I gotten my first letter from Philip.

My dearest, Y/N,

School has started back and I miss you dearly.

Though it is not going so well.

I've made a enemy Mr. George Eacker and Well we've came into conflict.

I miss you more and more everyday and I can't wait to see you here soon

Come and visit me if you can, I can meet up with you and we can go on another date.

I miss you so much and I love you.

With all my love, I'm yours, 

      Philip Hamilton.

I smiled and quickly grabbed another card

Dear Philip,

I miss you dearly as well, and I love you.

Do not worry about mr. eacker. He is not worth your time.

Philip you promised me you would stay alive.

And you need to keep that promise.

I love you even more and I can't wait to see you again, it's only a matter of time.

Yours truly,

                    Y/N Jefferson.

I sealed off the letter with wax, being careful not to burn myself.

I smiled and gave the letter to Sam, our mail man "to Philip Hamilton at kings college please."

He nodded and was off.

Jaiden came in "come on, let's go to town."

"Yea. Ok." I said, getting out of bed and getting changed.

I came out and smiled at him "I'm sorry for acting weird."

He shook his head "no don't apologize, you miss him. You can't help it."

I smiled "alright, tea?"

He nodded "tea."


It was November 23, 1801.

It was a good day. I had spent most of it with Jaiden.

Until that night.

Layne knocked on my door "ms. Jefferson? I have a letter."

"It's from Philip, I'll read it later. I'm going to sleep."

"No... it's from his aunt."

"His Aunt?" I got up, opening the door "may I see that?"

She handed it to me and I opened it "on today, November 23, Philip was injured majorly by a bullet after a duel with Mr. George Eacker.

Philip is not doing well, the bullet was infected before he arrived.

He is not suspected to live another day, please arrive quickly.

Angelica Schuyler-Church

I dropped the letter in terror "get father, get a carriage. We need to go to New York."

She didn't ask questions and ran off.

I was blank.

"Princess, come on, the carriage is waiting." My daddy came in, grabbing the letter and putting a arm around me.

We got to the carriage "New York. Immediately."

I looked at him and I broke down "he's not gonna make it daddy..."

He rubbed my back "shhhh go to sleep... it's a long ride and you don't need to worry about it."


Finally we got there and ran in.

"Where's Philip Hamilton?" I asked

"Family only." The person said

"I'm his girl- fiancé. I'm his fiancé." I said, knowing they wouldn't let me in if I was only his girlfriend.

"Room 12."

I quickly ran and I got there, Eliza, Hamilton, and Angelica were there by his side.

"Y/N..." he said groggily.

"Philip..." I cried, taking his hand

"D-dont cry..." he said

"You can not leave me... you c-can't. We haven't got to live our life together. We haven't went to Paris together yet." I sobbed

"Y/N/N... listen to me. I will always be by your side." He said

"don't leave me."

"I love you, mon amour."


Sorry :)

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