Chapitre 23

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Y/N's P.O.V-

Thomas was 6 pounds and 5 ounces, a very small baby but he was eating very well, so he would gain his weight back fast.

Today we got to take him home and I was so excited.

Me and Philip were now going to start on the nursery so we know what to get him.

We put his crib in our room but we would start to paint his room, get clothes, and make everything perfect.

I was getting changed and then Philip walked in with him.

I smiled brightly "hello handsome."

I took Thomas and gave him a kiss "why thank you," Philip said

I chuckled "I was talking to Thomas."

He gasped "how rude."

I chuckled and gave him a kiss as well "your handsome as well."

He smiled "I know."

I chuckled "alright. Grab the bag there and we can go."

He grabbed the bag and we were in the carriage on the way to the house.

We walked in and Layne come straight to us "ooh let me see him!"

I smiled and handed her Thomas and she cradled him "oh he's just beautiful."

I smiled and took the bag "I'm going to unpack the bag. I'll be back."

I walked upstairs but the nursery looked different.

It was blue.

Just like I wanted it.

There was a note on the dresser and I read it.

Dear Y/N,
After you had Thomas I had asked Philip what you were doing with the nursery so, me, Eliza, Angelica, Hamilton, and the rest of their kids helped set up the nursery. Jaiden helped as well, he should be stopping by later.

I hope you love it,
Thomas Jefferson.

I smiled widely and started to unpack the bag. And I yelled "Philip!"

Philip came running up the stairs "what's wrong- wow."

I chuckled "curiosity of your parents, my dad and your siblings and Jaiden."

He smiled "it's perfect."

Layne came up "I was told not to tell."

I smiled and took Thomas from her, setting him down in the crib.

He grabbed his feet and pulled them close smiling.

I chuckled "well hello."

•••6 months later

I had Thomas in my hands and he was tugging on my hair "Thomas!"

Philip was back at work but he still made time for us.

Oh and did I mention?

I'm 4 months pregnant.


My bump was forming well and Thomas loved it.

I had sat him down and put my hair up in a bun and heard a knock on the door "coming!"

I picked Thomas up and then opened the door "hey Angie."

"Hey. And hello t mg favorite nephew!" She smiled, taking him and pretending to fly him around.

I chuckled "be aware. He's a hair grabber."

She chuckled "thanks for the warning."

She sat him down on the couch and put her hair up as well.

"So how's it going with you and Richard?"  I said

"Well that's why I came here..." she said.

She handed me her hand.

and on her right finger was this huge rock. "Oh crap! Your getting married!"

She smiled "yea.. and I was wondering... would you like to be maid of honor?"

"I would love too." I smiled, putting her in a hug "who all knows?"

"Just you. And Richard of course."

I nodded "then I won't mention it to Philip."

She nodded.

••• 2 months later

It was Angies wedding day and she was freaking out.

Like more than I was.

She was walking back and forth like a maniac and finally I had enough. But it was probably just my hormones.

"Angelica! If he didn't love you, he wouldn't be marrying you! Now pull yourself together, let's get your dress on, fix your hair and make up. And get this show on the road! Got it?!"

Her eyes were wide but she wiped her tears "Yea. Yea..."

I helped her get changed into her wedding dress, and then did her hair and makeup.

And then she was done.

And then the service started.

I waited with Philip on my side as he was the best man and I was the maid of honor.

We walked down and Thomas was with Eliza in the stands, front row.

And then Angie walked down with Alexander.


It was after and we were having a little party, I had Thomas and then I danced with them.

It was a great night.

After a while me and Philip went back home and we all just chilled out. Thomas fell asleep immediately, and me and Philip relaxed on the couch.

"I have a feeling it's going to be a girl..." I said, my hand on my belly.

"Nope. This time I think it's a boy again."

"Well good thing your never right."

"Hey." He chuckled, slapping me lightly.

This chapter was a bit shorter, Sorry but... this story is coming to a end quickly. Probably in the next few days.


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