Chapitre 3

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The next day, me and daddy didn't talk. Every time I would walk downstairs he would go up to his office. I was fed up with it. I stormed off to his office "you can't stay in there forever you know! Me and him were just catching up! Stop being a fucking baby and face me!"

He stormed out "who do you think your talking to?!"

I quickly shut up "Daddy I'm sorry I don't know what-."

"No. Don't talk. I'm talking. Who gave you the right to speak to me in such high manner? I don't know what you and that Hamilton were talking about. Something has gotten in you and you better stop talking to me like your in charge. I'm the adult. Not you. So don't you ever. Ever. Speak to me like that again. Got it?" He said, sternly.


"What was that?"

"Y-yes sir!" I said and stormed off, done with him.

"Your not going out this week."


"I won't take this tone anymore! Your staying in this week don't argue or I'll make it a month!"

I clenched my fists and slammed my door shut. I flopped down on the bed, crying. I know I'm being ridiculous but so is he! He can't always think I'm not going to talk to him! We're friends...I sighed and put on my dresses, looking out the window.

"It's not that big of a jump..." I mumbled, tossing my shoes down.

I stepped out onto the balcony, swinging my leg over the edge. I was sitting on the ledge and I took a deep breath. I jumped down. I land on my feet which I was surprised by. I laughed a bit and dusted myself off, putting on my shoes. I smiled and saw a carriage pass "hey wait!"

The carriage stopped and ran up to it " Hamilton household... please..." The chariot nodded and we rode off. I looked out the window as I passed the houses.

Finally we had arrived at the Hamilton's. I smiled and handed the guy some money "thank you..."

I smiled and walked up to the front door, holding a breath in. I knocked on the door as a little boy answered the door "who are you?"

"AJ Who is it?" Another voice said.

The voice turned out to be Mrs. Hamilton's. She smiled widely "oh I could recognize you from anywhere ms. Jefferson!"

I smiled "hey Mrs. Hamilton."

"Of for goodness sakes, call me Eliza, your making me feel old. Come on in!" She smiled, scooting "AJ" out of the door way.

I walked in to see a little boy, playing with his toys. He looked about 4. "And who's this?" I smiled, walking to the boy who was playing.

She smiled "this is William. He's 2"

We walked over to another boy who was trying to get the attention of the one who is reading " this is John, the one reading. He's 7 and that's James. He's 11. James leave your brother alone he's trying to read."

John mouthed a thank you as James sighed and went off. I laughed a bit as we walked over to AJ "well this is AJ you've already met him."

"Well hello." He took my hand and kissed it.

I laughed a bit at him as Eliza slapped his head lightly "Alexander Hamilton Jr. your 13. She's 3 years older than you. Leave her alone."

I laughed at him as we walked off again "so what are you having?" I smiled

"A girl... I really like the name holly but Alexander and I decided for Eliza Holly. So it works."

I smiled "it's beautiful."

She smiled and she knocked on a door "Angie. We have a visitor."

A girl walked out. "Angie!"


We smiled and hugged "it's been so long..."

"It has."

We smiled and came out of it. "Well come on! Mom can we go into town?" Angie asked Eliza

"Well I don't see why not. Just be back by dinner. Y/N can you stay for dinner?" Eliza asked

" I'm not sure. But I most like will." I smiled.

She smiled "we'll go on then. It's almost dark."

We smiled and Angie put on her shoes, walking out with me. She smiled "so Your In town? For how long?"

I shrugged "I'm not sure... me and father aren't on very good speaking terms. If I'm being completely honest, I'm not necessarily supposed to even be out of the house."

She sighed "just don't get into trouble. Come on, we'll go get some clothes and food. But just a snack. Because I know mom will be angry if we eat a lot."

I laughed as we ran to the town. We smiled and walked into a store "what can I get you ladies?"

Angie smiled "we're just here for some bonnets..."

He smiled "step on up."

Angie got first as he measured her head size and length. After we had got ours we paid for them and got some apples. We walked around a small park, catching up. "So do you have a boyfriend?" She smirked.

I smacked her lightly "Angelica!"

She laughed "what? I'm just asking."

I sighed "no. I don't."

She winked "Philip's available."

"What? No." I smacked her again. 

She laughed slightly. We heard some voices and turned back around to see a bunch of girls crowded around something. Me and Angie walked over there to hear Philips voice. "Well maybe when I see you ladies later we can strip down to our socks." He smirked.

Angie groaned at her brothers comment. I rolled my eyes as Angie tapped on his shoulder, whispering someone into his ear.

He turned to me, "hey Y/N..."

I smiled "hey Phillip..."

"sorry ladies. Maybe another day." he said to the crowd of girls and quickly walked off with us.

Author: sorry this chapter was shorter than the others and uhh... idk really know if I would completely classify all of it as a filler but maybe some of it. HAVE A GOOD DAYYYY!!!! :) Im also currently working on this instead of homework so... I should get to that. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS.

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