Chapitre 17 (ALTERNATIVE)

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Me and Eliza looked at each other and we sang


"Cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf." He sang back

"Good. Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf." We sang again

"Cinq-sept- huit...." he sang before stopping

Eliza screamed in agony.

And I?

I fell down.

I put my knees to my chest and cried.

The doctor came in along with my dad

"He's gone...". I sobbed, breathing heavy

"Shhh... it's ok..." he rubbed my back

"I-I c-can't do this..." I said, standing up but as soon as stood I passed out.


I woke up to a bright light and groaned. Then I realized where I was.

"Where's philip?" I said

Dad looked over at me "baby..."

"No it can't be true no it's not true. " I started to cry.

"Shhh it's ok... I got you..." He hugged me.

I sobbed into his shirt.


It was the day of his funeral. We stayed in New York.

I threw on a black dress and black cloak.

Dad knocked on my door "you ready."

I stood up and walked out to the carriage.

I hadn't talked much. Unless it was to say no to food.

We arrived at the church.

I found angie and I took her hand "come uptown with us. It's... quiet up there.."

"Angie... I-I can't. I can't." I said "it's nothing to do with you or your family but it just... reminds me of him to much."

She nodded "I understand."

We walked to the burial site and we just stood there. Alexander has asked to say something and I had agreed.

Alexander started "Philip was my eldest. I wanted to be the father to him that my father wasn't for me. I wanted to make the world perfect for him. I wanted him to learn for my mistakes. But I failed him. I failed him as a father. If I could trade his life for mine. He'd be standing here and everything would be alright. But I failed him. And he's gone..." he said, tears streaming down his face

He stepped down as Eliza stood up "one of the hardest things is outliving your own kid. They are supposed to plan my funeral. To say this at my funeral. Not the other way around. Philip was my first child. He was supposed to be here. His wife could be pregnant. Well girlfriend... and not me." She sobbed and touched her stomach "I'm sorry.."

And with that she stepped down.

And it was my turn.

"Philip... was one of the best things that happened to me. I've known him since I was 10. Philip was only my boyfriend but I knew I wanted to spend my life with him. I wanted to get married. Have kids. Travel the world. And live our lives together until we died. But I can't do that. Philip made me feel special. And I'm sorry that I couldn't stop him from going." I started to cry "I just wish he was here today. I wish it was me and not him. He should be here, living his live. And I should be there..."

Eliza looked at me "dear, don't say that. This is not your fault do ever wish you were dead."

I smiled at her "Philip was happy. Philip could brighten up any room he walked into. He was such a caring soul... and he will be dearly missed..."

And with that a stepped down off the podium.

They let us get one last look at him before they closed it.

I took Elizas hand and we walked together. Tears were down out face "goodbye Philip..."

And she walked off.

I took his hand "it's quiet quiet uptown baby... and i never liked the quiet before. I'll tell your story. I'll do anything you ever wanted to do. I'll live your legacy. All for you baby... all for you."

And I was gone.


It was 1 year later.

When we were clearing out his room I found a letter addressed to me, from Philip.

Mon Amour,

Incase I am no longer with you with this duel with George Eacker. I want you to know I was going to propose.

This ring is for you. My love wear it. Until you find someone who makes you just as happy as I did.

My love don't mourn for me. From the other side I won't be able to stand your crying. And it would tear me apart.

If you wear the ring, we are engaged. If you choose not too, then your breaking my heart.

My love, I have never loved anyone else more than I have ever love you.

Move on. Have children. Get married. Live your life. This is only a minor setback of your extraordinary life.

You have my whole heart and soul,

Philip Alexander Hamilton

And I wear that ring everyday.

••• 3 years later

Me and Jaiden are married. He helped me with everything and I fell in love.

My heart will forever belong to Philip.

I have a son.

He's only 2 months old.

Philip Thomas Madison.

Angelica is the god mother, and his aunt. His grandmother is Eliza, and he has 3 grandfathers.

My dad.

James Madison.

And Alexander.

And he has 7 aunts and uncles, all Philips siblings.

Jaiden is ok with Philip being like Philips second dad, in spirit. And he's ok with his family being in his life.

I love him with all my heart.

And I stood to my promise to him.

I raise funds to fight against slavery.

I help women's rights.

And I don't stop until I am re-United with my love.

Philip Alexander Hamilton.


I cried writing this. :,)

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