Chapitre 6

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I shook my head, trying to get the thought of the kiss out of my mind. The carriage still hadn't taken off yet which I was curious about. I saw Philip talking to the driver throughout the window and then he got in it with me.

"Philip, what are you doing?" I asked

"I need a ride too... hope you don't mind." He said, smiling.

I sighed but didn't respond.

I faced the window and looked out, watching as we passed the people and the houses.

Philips POV-

I wanted to make my move.

With Y/N.

I know she's mad at me but I can at least try.

While she wasn't looking and grabbed her hand, our fingers intertwining.

She looked at me, and I moved closer.

"Ph-philip... what are you doing...." she said, stuttering.

"Shh..." I said.

She shook her head "no Philip... w-we shouldn't...."

I leaned in close with her "please. Just forgive me... it hurts me knowing that I hurt you."

I looked her in the eyes then down at her lips.

I took my other hand and put it in her hair.

"I-I forgive you...." she said quietly.

I smiled, placing a small, gentle kiss on her lips.


But that was all in my head.

We were in the carriage, still a safe distance away.

"Y/N?" I said

"What Philip..." she said, still facing away from me.

"Have you thought about it?" I asked.

She looked at me, with the 'are you dumb?' Face. "Philip. You can't just expect me to move on so fast. You had sex. With another girl. You stopped talking to me for almost 2 weeks because you were busy with other girls. Philip, I want to be with you. But I can't forgive you just yet. I know we Weren't even together yet, but it feels like you cheated... and it shouldn't I know! But..." she sighed "Your going to have to work for my forgiveness."

I smiled and grabbed her hand, putting one under and above it. "That's all you needed to say."

She still had that same emotion on her face. But I was planning on changing that.

Finally we got to where she was meeting Angie.

I got out and held my hand out for her, to help her get out.

She took it and stepped out "thanks..."

I smiled, "anything for you, mon amour." (My love)

She smiled "tu te rends compte que je parle français non?" ( you realize I speak French right?)

"bien maintenant je fais" I smirked (we'll now I do)

She smiled and walked off.

I smiled and ran off to the store, buying a lot of flowers.

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