Chapitre 9

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Hi. This chapter may be a bit sleazy and I sorry. My sleeping schedule is really messed up rn, it's currently 8:32am and I haven't slept yet so... :)

WARNING: bad google translation
Y/N's POV-

I woke up the next day at 9am, hearing a conversation going on.

I decided to see what was happening so I changed into my dress and did my hair, walking down the stairs.


He couldn't be here.

Not after yesterday.

"Hello doll." A too familiar face said to me.

I looked at my dad then looked back at him.

"Princess, Come sit down. This is Charles Lee and his son William Lee." My dad said.

I slowly walked over to the chair, pulling it out and sitting down.

"Dad what are the doing here?" I asked.

"Well... mr. William here has asked me something and I have said yes." He said

"And what is that?" I asked.

"He wishes to court you."

"No. I will be leaving now." I stood up but my dad stopped me

"Please sit down. Let's talk." He said

I shook my head "I will not court this Man. I wish to never see him again."

"Excuse us... to speak in private." My dad said to them and we went into his office.

"No way in hell am I courting William." I said.

"You don't have a choice. We've made arrangements." He said.

I shook my head furiously. "No no no no no no..." I felt a tear "daddy please no. Please I can't marry William."

"Princess why are you crying?" He asked, putting me in a hug.

"He-he t-tried to... l-last night." I said, breaking down.

"Shhh... take a deep breath." My dad said "what happened last night?"

"He tried to rape me last night... Jayden stopped him and then he walked me home... please daddy don't make me marry him." I said

"No. You will not be marrying him. Now I should say we should escort them to the door. Those men will never be allowed in our house again ok?" He said

I nodded and wiped my tears. We walked out.

"Mr. Lee, I think it would be best if you both would please leave. This arrangement will not go into action. I would like to never see you both here again." My father said

"Why should we leave?" Mr. Lee said.

"Your son, had tried to do something to my daughter last night I would like it for you both to leave. Right now." My dad said

"my son would never do that. We will be leaving now I don't want my son marring a lair." Charles said, leaving with William.

I let out a breath of relief. "Thank you daddy..."

He nodded "if that boy bothers you again, tell me."

I nodded "I'm going into town."

"Alright. Be back before 8." He said

I nodded and walked out, getting into our carriage "where too ms. Jefferson?"

"Into town. Anywhere. Please." I said.

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