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Out with the old

Monday was not spent on practice – rather it was their "BIG MOVE" day.

Dara realized just how few she actually owned after packing her stuff. She and YB had filled two boxes and one luggage bag of clothes.

"If you don't buy stuff for yourself, what do you do with what you earn?" YB asked.

"I save that up and give it to my Mama."

"That's very nice of you."

She smiled "Of course. I'm really really nice. Kekeke."

YB shook his head at her. "I'll bring this down. Look around if you've forgotten anything else."

She went around one last time at her apartment. It was fairly small – studio type. She put up dividers to split the area and create a bedroom. She had decided to sublet the apartment to a very friendly girl who immediately answered the ad she posted.

They had agreed that should Dara need to move back in, she can give the young lady two weeks' notice and the apartment is hers again. She knew nothing to be permanent – she would do her best to succeed but should circumstances deter her, she had to be ready.

She breathed deeply. She'd miss her apartment – and her privacy.

Manager Teddy had put her and Bom in the same room – much to Bom's glee as she knew that Dara's stuff wouldn't cramp their room as hers was quite a lot.

"You ready?" YB was back.

She nodded and followed him down the stairs.

"We'll pick up Chaerin and Seung-ri. I hope they haven't killed each other yet" YB chuckled.

"Let's cross our fingers" she replied "I really can't understand why they always fight like cats and dogs. Seung-ri is very kind and so is Chaerin but – haissshhh – they tease each other so much."

After twenty minutes, they arrived at Chaerin's – where the two were as expected...

"Sunbae!!! Dara-unnie!!!" Chaerin greeted them happily, then threw back dagger-like looks at Seung-ri.

"Noona! Noona!" Seung-ri greeted Dara, slithering past Chaerin as he linked his arm with hers.

"You guys ready?" YB asked, getting down the car.

Both nodded.

"She has so much stuff" Seung-ri complained loudly.

"That's why I always borrow clothes from her" Dara told him chastisingly "She has the coolest clothes."

Seung-ri, taken aback by Dara's defense on Chaerin's behalf did not speak.

"He's such a whiner. He saw my stuff and didn't stop complaining – it's not my fault he can't carry anything a little heavy."

"Maybe dongsaeng is just not used to girl's stuff" Dara explained "I'm sure he wanted to help you carry everything so he might have been a little shocked when he saw your boxes."

It was Chaerin's turn to be flabbergasted. "Hey! Whose side are you on???"

Dara laughed. "I'm on both of your sides."

"Hey kids!" YB told them "Let's go!" While the two were bickering, he had already loaded all of Chaerin's stuff.

"Woah! Young Bae-oppa! You're so great!" Chaerin announced, hugging YB.

Seung-ri rolled his eyes at her.

Dara couldn't help smiling, feeling a sudden ache as she watched these two. She had someone to tease like that before...

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