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"Every performance you have, you must find something to dedicate it to" Mai began "Find someone in your life who shall be the focus of the emotions of that song – anger, frustration, revenge, fun, laughter, love. You always have to look for that and think yourself singing to that person."

It was the 4th day of their training with Mai and she told them that today was a rather special exercise. At 8:00 AM, she had them doing vocalizations. At 9:00 AM, she had them giving a performance of all their songs for her while she wrote down notes in a mini notebook she had brought along. And now at 11:00 AM, she sat them down and told them to listen very carefully.

"You've got some of the best vocals I have heard since coming here" she continued "and you've got mad skills in projection and I really like the way you use the stage like you own it BUT – and that's a very big but – I think there's still more that you can come up with to really draw the audience to you and this is the one thing that I have noted – you need a focus other than your audience for every song."

They looked at each other – unsure of how to take in Mai's words. The truth is that is already what they do. They have their own inspirations for their performances.

"But Sunbaenim, we already have that..." CL responded.


CL nodded unsurely.

"Let's see. Who do you think of when you sing I don't care? Minzy?"

"A guy who treats his girlfriend badly" Minzy answered.

"Well... that is what the song is about. But, have you had a boyfriend who has treated you badly?"

Minzy shook her head.

"Was there ever a guy you liked that treated you badly?"

The maknae closed her lip and turned a shade of red.

Mai smiled at her "Now, that's what I'm talking about. You should be thinking of that guy Minzy. You should be letting him know how stupid he is and that you could just be as bad as he is."

"Now, CL, who do you think of when you sing Fire?"

"The audience" CL quickly replied.

"That just might be well and good coz you're asking them to be crazy with you but... the audience is a stranger to you. Are there people in your life you would like to tak with you, given the chance to dance in the rain? To scream like crazy against the moon? To just have fun with?"

"My friends" the leader answered, hugging Dara who was nearest to her.

"There you go! You're finally getting it! How about you my dear Bom-tori. I'm sure you have met someone who isn't all too smart but just looks good."

Bom looked up, contemplating that statement, before nodding. "As a matter of fact, I've met at least one person who was like that. I never went out on a date with him again."

Mai laughed "Then that's who you should think about when you're belting out your vocals with Pretty Boy. Get personal with your songs! Don't be afraid to associate them with people that you know so when you sing these songs, you'll have personal names for them and they really become a part of you... You, my Dara, is there anyone who makes you smile? Who makes you feel special no matter what he does? Who you just can't be angry with no matter how annoying he becomes?"

Dara smiled shyly and blushed to her rootends that earned more laughter from their mentor.

"Oh My God! I almost want to ask who it is" Mai told her "Can you tell me?"

Dara covered her face "I – I just rememberd someone noona."

Mai's eyes sparkled. "Ahhhh... you remind me of myself."

"You have someone special noona?" CL suddenly asked, curiously.

"I do" Mai answered honestly "but... I'll tell you about it another time."



"As Ji has been able to pursue his utmost passion... we'll work together so that all of you can do your other passions than being part of this group. Seung-ri, you and Mai will be visiting an audition for a musical play. T.O.P., you and I will go for an audition for a part in an action series that's casting right now. Daesung, Teddy will take you to an audition for a comedy series and YB and GD, you'll work together with the girls to further enhance your showmanship for solo performances. Mai and I will personally be there for your special trainings."

Danny's litany had them all gaping.

"This is all so sudden hyung" T.O.P. reacted.

"No it's not" Danny answered "Remember the reviews for the play that Mai had you write?"

They all nodded.

"We asked you on the things that you thought could further be improved, what you would call the play, how you would put the story's order together, what should be added, what could be taken away but still maintain the essence of that stage performance and we found these particular things that revealed to us some of your capabilities."

"You concluded all that from our answers?!?" Daesung looked as astounded as he sounded.

The truth was they all were. They had not expected to hear Danny suddenly tell them that they'd go for activities apart from being in Big Bang and for being together for almost three years now, it was hard to imagine.

"We had help in doing that" Danny replied with a knowing smile "Your Manager knew well your strengths and interests."

"Ow" Seung-ri responded "Manager thought I'd like to be in a play?"

"Don't you want to be?" Danny asked.

"Well...." Seung-ri began "I do want to be in a play but... can you tell the girls that I was just pushed into this by Manager and I really didn't want to but you all believed it would be good for me?"

All the guys broke into hilarity and Ji clamped Seung-ri from the back. "Wait till CL hears this" he teased with an evil sparkle in his eyes "She'll definitely have a good laugh."

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