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Never underestimate the maknae

"What is this about?!?" a peeved CL in bear-print pajamas asked an overexcited Seung-ri who was at the other line, waking her up with his constant calling on her phone.

"Look outside!" Seung-ri told her.

Growing more disgruntled by the fact that Seung-ri might be right outside her parents' house just when she had finally caught sleep, CL dragged her feet towards the window and sure enough saw the Big Bang maknae standing right outside her window with his signature grin.

She made a face at him and turned her back "I really want to sleep!" she told him over the phone and put it down. Today had been an emotionally tiring day. What with Mai-unnie's confession in the morning and the almost unending "we-can-find-a-solution-to-this" discussion that their whole group had... it hurt her 19-year-old head to think the way she had done today.

Everybody knew she wasn't rude but after this harrowing day which she felt was wasted - for really... at this point in the game, what else could they do to stop the wheel of fate? It was hard to admit but she recognized the truth that they can only just watch as the tragedy that their sunbae had created for herself unwrap.

And she never liked feeling helpless.

Easing herself back to bed, she almost froze when she heard stones being thrown on her window. "What the?!?" she exclaimed at the persistent maknae and with a tigress' force opened her window to finally shout at Seung-ri to leave her alone.

However, just as she was to open her mouth, she felt a pebble hit her head.

"OW!" she and Seung-ri exclaimed at the same time as she instinctively ducked to massage her forehead.

"Are you ok?" Seung-ri asked in the lowest voice he could manage "Sorry."

Fully awake now, CL stood up massaging her head and rapidly left her room, ascending their stairs with the speed of light – uncaring how she looked – and kicked open their door to immediately reach the wide-eyed Seung-ri who, because of his surprise, was unable to react in defense when her fist connected with his jaw.

"Stupid!" CL told him "What were you thinking?!?"

Recovering from CL's punch, Seung-ri looked at her wearily as he massaged his jaw. "I'm sorry" he answered "I didn't mean to throw the stone right at you... I just wanted to talk to you."

"Haven't we just fried our brains talking the whole day? I finally caught my sleep and here you are messing around again!"

"I'm really sorry" Seung-ri responded "Well... I..."

"You're what?" CL asked impatiently.

Heaving a deep breath, Seung-ri zipped down his jacket upto the middle and reached inside to produce Tam-Tam. "I actually just wanted to give him to you... you forgot him while we were at the veranda and I thought that after all that happened, you might need him tonight."

Completely taken by surprise, CL clamped her mouth with her hands. Something inside her almost melted at the sight of the Big Bang maknae apologetically holding out Tam-Tam to her, unable to look straight in her eyes as his reddened jaw refused to show any sign of pain.

"I-is this all?" she asked in a softer voice.

Seung-ri nodded.

CL reached out for Tam-Tam and clutched the important rag doll to her chest. She had forgotten all about Tam-Tam because of today's events. Dara would have killed her if she lost "their baby". "Does it hurt?" CL asked, pertaining to her punch.

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