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Ji didn't bother to look at who was calling. Jin-ah had been inundating his phone with messages and calls – asking him if he was free for the day.

He had earlier replied that he had a lot to do but the woman just kept on. "What's up with her anyway?" he asked himself, totally bewildered by this 'come hither' attitude that the girl was launching at him.

"Stop raising your eyebrows Ji" the make-up artist told him.

He steadied his face and put down the phone "Sorry."

Today was a shooting day for him. Teddy had insisted they use another picture for his banners and not use the shots they already got for the album. The concept was a gangsta genie and Ji quite liked the idea.

"Who keeps calling you?" his make-up artist, Sun, asked. She had noted that his phone had rung at least more than ten times for the past 20 minutes now.

"A friend" he whispered, not moving his whole face too much as Sun powdered him again to lay a thicker coating of the eye make-up and make the rest of him look pale.

"Well... your 'friend' is really persistent."

"Whose friend is persistent?" YB's voice echoed and Ji opened his eyes to see his bestfriend walk-in.

"The girl who's been calling him" Sun answered with a shrug of the shoulders.

"A girl?" YB plopped himself down the sofa nearest Ji and took his phone. "Ow. It's Jin-ah."

"She keeps asking me to grab coffee" Ji added.

"Well... why don't you?"

"Busy at the moment bro..."

The phone rang again and while YB was wondering whether he should answer it, the girls of 2NE1 came in the studio too.

"Woah! Ji-oppa! You look literally smoking" Minji commented.

Ji tried to smile at that – a smile that Sun could allow – and then hollered "Wassup 2NE1?"

He heard YB suddenly say "Hey! Answer this!" and then Dara's "Anyeong".

"What the?!?" he thought to himself.

"Ow Jin-ah" he heard Dara say but couldn't peek at her because Sun had him closing his eyes to dry off the make-up or else it'll smudge.

"We're together" he heard Dara say again, not knowing what Jin-ah was saying at the other line.

"Ok... I'll let him know" Dara continued "Anyeong."

He heard the others laugh and wondered what it was all about. "Why are you guys laughing?" he finally asked.

"Oh nothing" CL replied in an undertone that made Ji think that something was going down.

"Do they know already????", he thought to himself.



Jin-ah slammed her phone down her bed and curled her fists in irritation.

"So, they're together!!!" she screamed at the walls of her room.

Her eyes had widened at the sound of a girl's voice at the other end of the line but to find out that it was Dara made her almost want to tear at her pillows. What the hell was the girl doing with Ji Yong?!?!

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!" she exhaled.

She needed to find a way to really take those two away from each other.

The five-year rule that Minhwan was bragging about wasn't going to do anything to deter their feelings for one another. If not, it could have even led to making it stronger as things that are normally hidden from the eye are the things that eventually blossom to the full.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" She screamed at her pillows "I'm going to find a way to do this! I'll get Ji in the end!"


Good to see you

Teddy went down his car and looked up and down the YG Building. Today was the day he was going to make a deal with a man he once thought as the devil.

"Has it changed much?" he asked Danny who had also stepped down from his car.

"It has" Danny answered, dusting off something from his shirt "Everything is way better now since the first time we both stood together in front of this building."

Teddy chuckled, reminded of the thread-bare shirt, faded jeans, and grimy sneakers he had on that day that Danny was talking about. "I'm sure. He's become as rich as Croesus already so he better level up."

"Ow. He didn't have to spend anything for this" Danny explained "Mai and Gummy's patrons paid for all the upgrades."

That sobered him up "They did huh?"

Just as Danny was about to answer, a Lexus revved up the driveway – stopping right beside the area where Teddy parked his car. The woman driving the Lexus went down and shook her hair from the beret she had on.

Teddy felt his insides constrict, he'd know those locks of hair anywhere in the world.

"Danny!" Mai greeted and walked to kiss Danny on the cheek. She then faced Teddy, the smile never leaving her face "Hello Teddy. I haven't seen you in such a long long time!"

"Hello Mai" he greeted back "It's good to see you."

Mai's smile widened "Of course it is. Are you here to see Papa?"

Danny nodded. "I set the meeting for him and Mr. YG at 10:00 AM."

"Well... let's hope Papa makes it" she joked and chuckled.

"God" Teddy thought "I've missed her."

"Why don't we go in?" Danny asked.

"Oh. Sure. Sure."

"Dumb-ass!" Teddy scolded himself, "acting like a high school student!"

"Goodluck Teddy" Mai told him, turning to him with those hazel brown eyes "I've missed seeing you around here."


Author's Note:

Because I couldn't write using my name back then, I injected it into the story.

Lee Mai Goo is an original character to this story but she is inspired by Lexy (YG oldies you know who Lexy is and I love you. Haha.)

I am halfway re-publishing  this book and thank you for re-reading it.

You bless me with your kindness.

- Mai

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