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Despite his fever, Ji had a good night's sleep. He woke up to a breakfast with everyone. The girls had cooked and his brothers had set-up the table.

They helped him over the table and without further ado, he once again attacked Dara's soup. She looked happy about that but he worried if she was going to tease him over it. He just shrugged it off though. That was unlikely to happen, he thought.

The Manager had picked him up a little after breakfast to take him to the hospital.

"You're looking better" the doctor commented.

"I am feeling better" he answered.

"What you got was a virus. You could have gotten it while you were at HappyLand. It's a good thing that you have a strong stamina and that it didn't do much damage to you. There have been a lot of cases like this over the past month and some aren't so lucky."

The doctor injected another shot and Ji grimaced through the pain.

"You rest up more ok? You'll get back on your feet in four hours."

He nodded. "Thanks doctor."

"You're welcome."

Now, back at his apartment, he saw that everybody had cleaned up. Even Gaho was resting on his basket nicely. The lucky dog. "I'm getting all those guys something they really want."

He turned towards the kitchen and saw that somebody had left a pot on the stove. He looked in and saw that it was Dara's soup.

In spite of himself, he smiled. "Well... I could do with some of these" he spoke aloud and grabbed a bowl.

"How did she know about Mama's recipe?" he asked himself as he sat down and began eating.


THE Name

It was different now. Like a sword had been put right above their heads, ready to fall down should they be deemed unworthy.

"You have all worked hard. But no matter how hard you pushed, it will only be up to you to make it worth it" Teddy told them "Now... I've thought about it for so long, I've asked advise from other people, I've discussed and re-discussed and re-discussed it, and I've asked for signs about it until I can proudly and finally give you the name your group will – forevermore – be known."

They held their breaths – an imaginary drum roll playing itself inside their heads.

"Everyone will call you 2NE1 – a group who will bring in a new evolution to music for the 21st Century" The Manager announced, a sting of pride in his voice.

"2NE1..." they whispered under their breaths, rolling around the name in their mouths, familiarizing themselves with it, greeting it gleefully and making friends with it.

"2NE1" Chaerin said aloud to herself.

"2 - 2NE1 - One" Minji replied.

"2NE1 – One!" Dara chimed in.

"2NE1!" Bom answered.

They were all smiling. It sounded right. It sounded... great!

"It sounds like THE NAME!" Chaerin announced and they all laughed.

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