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Breathing hard to draw out calm amidst the emotions raging within him, Ji held Jin-ah's arms and took her outside. The whole club was packed and the only place he would be able to talk to her where no one can bother them would be at the V.I.P. Parking Lot.

"You're hurting me" Jin-ah complained at his grip but he didn't say a word. He only looked at her with fury raring to be unleashed. It made Jin-ah gulp for air.

"Hyung!" Seung-ri called from behind "Please control yourself. She is only a woman."

He looked up at the maknae, who up until that moment he had not noticed, was just right behind him and Jin-ah.

"Seung-ri, what are you doing here?!?"

"I'm here to make sure you are able to control yourself hyung" Seung-ri answered "I don't want you being accused of abuse or anything like that. Noona isn't worth it."

"Ow shut up!" Jin-ah responded, her anger coming back at Seung-ri's words after being doused by Ji Yong's ire.

"Don't talk to Seung-ri like that!" Ji told her gratingly, controlling himself from wanting to slap the woman to her senses "What has happened to you Jin-ah?! What have you done???"

The girl shook off her arm from Ji's hold. "There's no use lying is there?" she asked, sadness overwhelming her anger "You've heard everything haven't you? Why do you even ask me?"

"I am asking you because I want to hear it straight from you. What have you been telling Dara? What lies have you spawned on her? And why are you doing this? This is NOT who you are!"

"Well I don't know who I am anymore!" Jin-ah lashed "All I know is that I love you and I can't let you go to that woman. She doesn't deserve you Ji. Isn't she... Wasn't she the one who left you long ago?!? Wasn't she the one who hurt you so bad that when I met you, you were going from one girl to another??? Why do you continue loving her??? Why do you continue to hurt yourself by loving somebody who doesn't even appreciate you?!? Why do you –"

"ENOUGH!" Ji shouted "I don't want to hear this from you."

"But that is the truth isn't it?!? Dara hurt you before! What will stop her from hurting you again?!?"

"You have done the same to me" Ji replied "and I will not dignify any of your accusations against Dara because you know nothing about her at all."

"Oh really??!?" Jin-ah laughed hysterically "I know that she thinks you're immature. I know that she thinks you're just like her brother. I know that –"

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" Ji screamed.

"Isn't it true Ji? Dara thinks of you that way. She always had and she always will!" Jin-ah butted in, screaming as loudly as Ji Yong.

"You know nothing of what you are saying" Ji told her "You are screaming LIES."

"You and I both know that's the truth Ji. She doesn't deserve your love!"

"And you do?!?"

"Of course I do!" Jin-ah answered vehemently "This! The things I have done! They may not be good but aren't they proof of how much I am willing to go just for you? Just to have you once again?"

Ji's eyes widened, the woman was loosing her mind, shaking his head in utter sadness at what Jin-ah had come to, he said aloud "There is no sense talking to you because I honestly believe that you have become insane Jin-ah. You're crazy!"

"CRAZY huh?!?!?" Jin-ah threw her bag at Ji Yong who effectively dodged it "YOU! YOU who I have done everything for dare to call me crazy!"

"Stop that noona!" Seung-ri held Jin-ah back with his arms "Stop that!"

"Let go of me!" Jin-ah screamed, fighting against Seung-ri's hold "Let go of me!"

"Let her go Seung-ri" Ji told the other guy as the others from Big Bang came running to where they stood. Daesung, YB, and T.O.P. were panting heavily, looking at him who was just standing up from dodging Jin-ah's bag to Seung-ri trying his best not to manhandle the woman but control her from throwing other things, with their eyes widening just as Ji's previously.

"What's happening?!?!" YB asked, stunned by the images that welcomed him.

"She isn't the same woman we know" Ji answered as he walked towards Jin-ah who was still struggling against Seung-ri. Facing the woman head on, he took her flailing hands in his and willed her to look at him.

Jin-ah stopped skirmishing against the Big Bang maknae and looked at Ji Yong whose anger seems to have faded from his eyes.

"I am sorry but I cannot love you..." Ji Yong told her sincerely, his eyes shining like crystals that Jin-ah held her breath - she had never seen Ji Yong like this - "There is only one person that I have loved and I will continue to love her no matter what."

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