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Perhaps... Perhaps... Perhaps...

Ji had no idea what time it was when he surfaced. He had to pry his eyes open coz they felt as heavy as a log. His head was aching like someone was hammering on it, his mouth felt as dry as the desert, and every inch of his body was throbbing in pain.

"I should just sleep" he thought, closing his eyes again. He opened his eyes again when a feverish memory floated up his head. Had Dara been in his room earlier? Had she actually tucked him to bed and gave him medicine? Or was that all a dream?

He looked around his room but found no evidence of her. His apartment was quiet too. Hmmmm... Maybe she had been there but was gone now.

Damn. He swallowed again as he felt as thirsty as a horse. His head was splitting in pain too. Maybe, I need some more juice and medicine, he thought and took all of his strength to stand up. He held on his bed for support as he tried to stand as straight as possible.

His vision was blurry and his footsteps shaky but he knew he had to drink up or he'd die slowly. Damn whatever virus it was that he'd caught and damn that doctor who told him that he should be ok by now. What are hospitals coming to?

He lurched forward and opened his bedroom door.

Blinded by the light, he covered his eyes and saw Dara walking towards him.

"What are you doing out of bed?" she scolded "You look like you're about to collapse!"

"You're here" he said dumbly, captivated by the soft tendrils of hair framing her face that fell from her pony tail.

"I didn't want to leave you alone. Are you feeling any better?"

"I'm fine."

"Liar" she puffed her cheeks at him.

"You're right" he admitted, defeated "I feel like a bulldozer rolled over me."

"I thought so" she replied "Now, go back to bed and stay there!"

As though he was out of his mind, he smiled "You're beautiful when you're bossy."

"Be quiet and lie down" Dara dismissed his statement "Now, where were you going?"

He went back to bed gratefully "The kitchen."

"Are you hungry?"

"No. I'm thirsty and my head's going to be split into two soon."

"Just lie back ok. I'll get you juice and some medicine. Don't move, you hear me?"

He closed his eyes and lay very still.

She came back with two tablets and a glass of orange juice. "Can you swallow this?" she asked gently, holding up the tablet to his lips.

He nodded and managed to wash down both tablets down his throat with the juice.

"I called Manager and he said that a doctor will be dropping by in a while to look at you. He said you might have it worse this time."

"Damn" he managed to say.

"Do you need anything else? Are you sure you're comfortable?"

"Nothing. I'm ok." He had almost answered that "she" was the one he needed.

"Well, get some more rest. I'll just be right in your living room. When you wake up, I'll have soup ready for you and hopefully, you'll be hungry by then."

Ji nodded again. "You really are beautiful when you're bossy."

"Hong!" Dara answered "Get back to sleep! You're talking like a drunkard."

He closed his eyes, sleep pulling at him again. She, indeed, was beautiful. She must have been cooking. She was wearing his apron and her hair was tied back in a pony... it felt right to have her there, his feverish mind acknowledged... really really right.



Dara closed his door and inhaled deeply. It had almost felt like nothing had gone on between them. Ji had acted like he did before, teasing her and not caring whatever her reaction was.

"You really are beautiful when you're bossy" his voice repeated in her head and she clenched her fists.

"Haisssshhhh Kwon Ji Yong! If you weren't only sick, I would have slapped you now!" she told herself, earning a look from Gaho (who was staying at his basket – a saintly dog who was keeping a very good distance from her).

She heard the soup boil and went back to the kitchen again. She had called Ji's mother, the first time he got sick, for this recipe. She remembered that Mrs. Kwon had given this soup to her Grandma back in the day and the old lady was very very happy at how tasty it was.

"That young man! I'm sure he caught that virus because he's been driving himself too hard again!" his mother had told her during the phone call. It seems as though his mother knew nothing of their situation. "It's a good thing he has you to look after him" Auntie had added.

"Of course, Auntie. But I'm not the only one here. All of us, his friends, are here" she answered awkwardly. What is Ji playing at exactly? His mother didn't know, Han didn't know, Se7en didn't know that he was treating her like an outsider.

"Well, that is true but what can I expect from those boys? Ji is probably the only who would know about taking care of a sick person."

She laughed "That's not true Auntie. They're all here helping out."

"That's good then" was the answer "Anyway, when Ji Yong gets better, scold him for me and tell him to stop skipping drinking his vitamins, ok?"

She agreed and that had been the end of their conversation. The next she called was to report that Ji was now doing well.

She might call later again to let his mother know he was down with the flu again. He might not like it but at least, if Auntie decided to drop by, he'd shape up better.

She had poured the broth and covered the pot once again. She looked for a towel at his bathroom and half-filled a basin with water. She came back to his bedroom and decided to give him a sponge bath.

His fever was way up, his skin tingy looking, signs of stubbles on his face but he still looked good to her. She shook her head at the images that kept popping up.

She tried to focus on the task at hand and began by sponging his face. He was unmoving, completely submitting to her ministrations.

She'd never forget this, she thought. He looked so innocent and trusting and she'd forever cherish this moment. Once he gets back on his feet... we'd go back to normal – two total strangers... but just for today... he's my neighbor – Kwon Ji Yong... the guy who posted notes on his window for her to read... the guy who...

"Dar.... ssssshhhhh" He murmured, intruding into her thoughts.

She sponged his hands next and felt something squeeze at her insides. Inspite of herself, she kept recalling how those hands had held hers once before and how she had so much wanted to take a picture of it. "Where did you go?" she asked the sleeping Ji Yong.

"I already miss you" she finally admitted out loud, a lump in her throat. He was so close to her but he was still so far... so so far.

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