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Coming Together

"She did what?!?!" CL stood up from the dining table, almost toppling down her plate. Seung-ri, T.O.P., and Dae had picked her and Bom up from the apartment after learning that Minji and Dara had gone grocery shopping.

Today was the first day after "Jin-ah-unleashed-the-dogs-from-hell-with-her-screeching" - as Daesung had begun to call it. They were now, after securing Ji Yong's approval, telling the girls all about what went on the V.I.P. Parking Lot sans Minji because they needed her to distract Dara.

"I tell you" Seung-ri continued as Dae pulled CL down to sit and calm herself "she was struggling so hard against me I was thinking whether she learned judo somewhere."

"Good thing you were able to hold her off" Bom told him with a smile, picking at the crackers set beside her plate.

"Of course noona" the maknae answered proudly, stretching his arms a little which showed that he actually had scar marks.

"Did she do that to you?" CL asked, taking a hold of Seung-ri's right arm.

"She did but it doesn't hurt" Seung-ri responded, trying to take his arm away from CL.

"Don't deny that it does" the 2NE1 leader replied "I have an ointment to help heal the stings out of that. I'll give it to you later."

Seung-ri kept his mouth shut, he didn't know whether he should continue saying that the scratches didn't hurt to top CL off or be touched by the fact that despite apprehending him, she offered to give him an ointment to ease the stings.

Smiling at Seung-ri's tongue-tiedness, T.O.P. leaned over Bom to take the sweet corn side dish that she was served. Bom tapped his hand away and looked at him accusingly "Why are you taking that away?"

"Gym trainer said you're not supposed to eat corn" T.O.P. reminded her.

"I know that" Bom replied "and I'm not eating it ok? I'm just... just looking at it!"

Everybody in the table laughed. "Yeah right" T.O.P. told her and still pulled the corn bob away "Going back, I think I should warn you girls that Jin-ah seems very serious with her last threat."

"What? That she'll make sure that Ji-oppa and Dara-unnie will never be happy?" CL asked.

"Uh-huh" T.O.P. now began munching on the corn bob much to Bom's growing frustration "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned or so they say and Jin-ah was really serious. We all saw already what she can do and I think she'll do something really bad soon enough."

"If there is something more evil than her screeching I'm really afraid" Dae responded very seriously "I tell you. I thought Seung-ri and Ji Yong had let lose a she-wolf in the parking lot and when we got there, Jin-ah even looked the part."

Bom, despite engaging in a tug-pull-coz-the-corn-is-mine contest with T.O.P., managed to laugh at Dae's description "I wish I could have seen that, most especially how she looked like when Ji told her he will never love her."

"I think you wouldn't really want to see that noona. The way she looked would have given you nightmares" Seung-ri replied "The earth would have opened and she would have been eaten by it at that moment but the way her face just fell wouldn't have changed."

"So, what is Ji-oppa's plan now? Shouldn't we be doing something? I mean, we've confirmed it already. Oppa has admitted it and shouted it to the face of that "creature" so they can fully come out in the open now!"

"Not too fast Chaerin" T.O.P. told her "There are still a lot of things we need to think about and Ji is considering all those. It doesn't necessarily mean that now that we all know they actually care for one another is they can just come out like that. Firstly, you girls are tied to a bond of non-relationship for five years. Second, we're all sure that just a hint from Ji and Dara will set-off those D.O.M.s and they might do something drastic like fire them and make sure that they don't get a job anywhere else. Thirdly, Manager still does not know of it, and last but most importantly not the least – those two haven't actually admitted what they feel for one another!"

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