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Friday morning I roll over and groan. Major headache. What happened last night?

Opening my eyes, nothing seems out of the ordinary. I'm wearing my usual long tshirt and everything looks the same as it did before I left for the grill last night. I sit up and stretch, remembering how much fun I had with Tyler. Meeting Matt was pretty cool.

I glance over at my alarm clock and see that it's eight twenty two. Crap! I'm late for my first day as a normal sophomore.

I grab my phone off the table and have two missed calls from Tyler in the last thirty minutes. He's probably wondering where I am. He told me last night he would help me with my new schedule.

I call him back quickly and put the phone on speaker so I could hurry up and get dressed.

"Where are you?" He answered on the first ring. He was whispering furiously.

"Sorry, I guess I overslept." I pulled on a black pair of pitaya pants.

"Well, I found out your supposed to be here in Mr. Hamilton's first period. Hurry up."

"Wait! I have first period with you?" I hold in an excited squeal as I slip on a white lacy tank top.

I could practically hear the smile in his whisper. "I might have pulled some strings."

"Thank god. I'll be there soon." I say and hang up. Running my fingers through my hair, I deem myself suitable enough.

I grab my backpack and jacket while running out my bedroom door and down the stairs.

"Good morning, sunshine. I thought you'd never wake up." I hear a male voice just as I hit the bottom step.

I turn to see who it is and meet eyes with the tall, dark and handsome Damon Salvatore and my memories of last night come flooding back.

"Oh! Hi Damon! I'm late for school." I reply happily.

For some reason Damon had told me he needed a friend but didn't want anyone to know about it. He told me he was a vampire, but I didn't know if I believed it. I remembered him "feeding" on me, but for whatever reason he said my blood didn't taste right.

He also said I would never remember him unless I was in the same room as him. Some kind of 'special vampire trick'. Sure, whatever.

Damon was leaning against the door frame to the kitchen as he held a steaming mug of coffee in one hand.

"How do you feel?" He asked me.

"Great. I'm really excited for school today. I really should be going."

"Before you go, quick question. Do you know why the Bradford's adopted you?"

"Well," I sigh dramatically. "Christine says she always wanted a girl and had a lot of miscarriages or whatever and she went to a lot of orphanages but when she saw me she knew I was supposed to be her daughter. Whatever. It's stupid."

He nods as if he's contemplating my words. "And, you never knew anything about your birth parents?"

I shake my head no. "Can I please go to school now? I really want to see Tyler."

"Fine. Go. My mild curiosity can wait. Go see your boyfriend." He waves me off with a look of amusement lighting his face.

"He's not my boyfriend." I feel myself start to blush.

"Not yet, anyway." Damon winks and tells me to leave.

I grin and bounce happily out the door and to my car without a worry in the world.


Trying to get my new books situated in my locker, I hear a slight bang as Tyler slams himself into the locker next to mine.

"Soo..." He says weirdly, drawing out the o.

"So?" Sarcasm mildly dripping from my tone of voice.

"Do you like your classes so far?" I can tell that it's not really what he wanted to ask me, but he was making conversation at least.

Tyler had been acting strange after I finally got to school. I missed half of class, but he slid me his notes so I could copy what I missed.

"Yeah. I'm so glad I still have Mr. Saltzman for World Geography. He even made me a study guide for what I've missed so far this semester. I think he might be my favorite teacher." I shut my locker door and looked up at Tyler.

"When did you get so short?" He asked me with a puzzled look on his face.

Laughing, I reply, "When I wore flats this morning because I didn't have time for anything else."

"I've never seen you wear heels."

"I wear chunky sneakers like sketchers or my rocket dog sandals. I hate being short."

"As a fellow short person, I agree. But, right now, I've never felt so tall." He jokes.

I push his chest back a little with both hands and he grabs my wrists with a grin on his face.

"Don't make fun of me." I pout.

"I'm not. I really like that your so short." He stares down at me while gently holding my wrists.

Realizing how close we are, I glance at his lips and back up to his dark eyes. He does the same.

"Hey, Tyler! Are you coming to the dance tonight?" A perky female voice breaks our moment.

I curse whoever it is this time. Even Tyler looks slightly disappointed at this girls intrusion.

Stepping back while he releases my wrists, we both turn to the perky blonde girl next to us.

"Hi, Caroline. And, no, I wasn't planning on it." Tyler replies with a fake smile.

Caroline looks at me and seems disappointed. "I just thought that since you had a real girlfriend now, that Matt and I could double date with you."

My eyebrows raise involuntarily at her. Who the hell is this catty bitch?

"Seriously, Caroline? Why do have to be such a bitch?" Tyler replies and grabs my hand, pulling me away from her.

Behind us, she calls out, "Think about it, Ty! Maybe your girlfriend wants to go! I still have tickets!"

Tyler groans beside me as we make our way down the hall. He never releases my hand, and that makes me so happy I could burst. His larger, rougher fingers splayed between my small, almost dainty ones, feels nice. I wish he would always hold my hand.

When we round the corner, he apologizes. "I'm sorry, Devon. Caroline is so..."

"Annoying?" I finish for him, grinning.

He stops and stares at me. "Yeah. She's such a..."

"Catty bitch?"

I watch as his smile gets bigger and bigger. "Yes! How are you..?"

"So perfect? I can't help it." I smirk.

He laughs and releases my hand, to my disappointment.

"I was going to say doing that, but.. that works too." He gives me a look he hasn't given me before.

"What?" I ask.

"I wasn't going to go to the dance, it's not really my thing. But, if you wanted to go with me, I might change my mind."

Inside, my heart is beating crazily and I want to jump up and down and squeal. But, somehow I keep my cool. "Bring your flask and you've got a date."

He grins happily. "Great. I'll pick you up at seven."

I smile back wondering how I am not a puddle at his feet right now. I must have a guardian angel or something.

I'm going to a school dance with a super hott guy. It's actually my first dance technically.

Oh my god! I don't have anything to wear!

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now