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I hadn't heard from Tyler in days. He wasn't answering my phone calls or text messages. He wasn't in school. He was avoiding me completely. If it wasn't for Jeremy, Matt and Katie I'd be back to being invisible.

Jeremy had started talking to me at school. Mostly to check on me and make sure I was dealing. Obviously, it should have bothered me more that vampires were real, but I was more upset that Tyler was ignoring me.

I walked in a cloud most of the time and Katie was with me the second I left school. She understood my withdrawal from her but tried her best to snap me out of it.

Finally on Founder's Day, I decide to take matters into my own hands. After the reenactment I'm sitting at Katie's house on the couch. I've been picking at the loose threads on my blue jeans for twenty minutes.

I sigh loudly and pick up my phone and call Matt.

"Hey, Devon. What's up?"

"Matt, where is he?"

"What? Who are you talking about?" He dodges my question.

"I'm tired of waiting for him to deal. He has to talk to me. He was with you at the reenactment. I saw him."

Matt's defeated sigh comes loudly through the phone. "He's at the grill."

I hang up and grab my black leather jacket. The whole drive to the grill, I'm full of nervous energy. My leg keeps twitching.

Once there, I steel myself for the argument that's most likely going to happen. Stepping inside, I immediately spot him playing pool. Caroline and Matt sit close by watching. Probably to make sure he doesn't snap.

I march over there and Tyler pretends not to notice me.

"I'm not one of your little whores. You can't ignore me forever, Tyler." I stand with my arms crossed at the end of the pool table.

He stiffens but doesn't reply.

"I mean it, Ty. This is stupid and you know it."

He finally turns to face me. Pain and anger marr his usually heart stopping features. "You think I don't know that, Devon?! I messed up. I was wrong. But, I hurt you and that kills me." He yells.

People start to turn thier faces to the unfolding scene  before them. I don't care. I just keep going.

"Shouldn't it be my call to say you hurt me? Or are you going to take that choice from me too?"

"You don't understand."

"No! You don't understand! I came out of myself for you, Tyler.  I was afraid to face the world. It was easier to hide. I can't do that anymore. One drunken kiss with Matt's mom isn't going to change the way I feel about you!"

"He hurt Matt, too." Caroline pipes up.

Tyler and I both turn to glare at her. Her eyes widen.

"Sorry, I thought that seemed important."

Matt placed a hand on her arm. "Stay out of it, Care."

Fuming, I turn my attention back to Tyler. All I want to do right now is punch him in his face and then kiss the shit out of him.  Before, I can finish what I started, Mr. Lockwood walks up.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go home."

Tyler rolls his eyes. "I'm kind of in the middle of something here, Dad."

"When I tell you to do something, you do it." Tyler's father grabs him roughly by the arm.

Tyler jerks out of his grasp. "Get off of me."

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now