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I couldn't focus all day. Ever since I ran into Tyler Lockwood in the hallway before Biology, I couldn't think clearly at all. It didn't help that I started noticing him everywhere. And every time I did see him, I started blushing again.

At lunch I sat in my usual spot under a shady tree. Normally I would eat and read a book or listen to music on my ipod. But, today as I settled myself down under the tree and placed my tray in my lap, someone sat down right next me.

Tyler Lockwood bumped my elbow with his own, startling me even more.

"What are you doing over here all alone, Devon?" He asked before reaching a hand into a bag of Doritos chips.

"Uhm... eating." I reply quietly as my cheeks begin to flush again.

He laughed heartily. "Well, duh. I mean where are your friends?"

I cautiously meet his brown eyes with my own before shrugging.

"I don't really have any." I whisper, suddenly embarrassed.

"I don't believe that for a second. A pretty girl like you probably has a ton of friends." He shakes his bag of chips before reaching for another one.

I just shake my head lightly and look down at my salad. Did he really just call me pretty?

There's an uncomfortable silence and all I can hear is him chewing next to me.

"Wait. Your serious? Why don't you have any friends?" He asks me and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"I mean, I had one a while ago, but she uh... ran away."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was her name? Maybe I knew her."

"Vicki." I say quietly still staring at my food.

"Not Vicki Donovan?" He asks incredulously.

I just nod.

"Wow. That's a name I haven't heard in a while."

"You knew her?"

He laughed lightly. "You could say that. I kind of dated her."

I looked up at him, shocked. He was Vicki's ex boyfriend?

He met my eyes and looked as if he was embarrassed.

"It was before she left, and I was kind of a jerk to her."

I just nodded because I didn't know what to say to that. But, he didn't seem like a jerk to me.

He cleared his throat and smiled at me. "So, you like to party, Devon?"

"What?" I practically spluttered at him.

The corner of his mouth perked up higher. "You were friends with Vicki and she was a big partier, so you must have participated."

I gaped at him. I was left speechless by his adorable smile and found myself blushing again.

"I... I... uh..." I stuttered out.

He set his bag of chips on the ground and grabbed my hand. I felt myself soften at his warm touch.

"If you ever want to party or even just want a new friend," he started as he grabbed my pen out of the metal spiraling of my notebook at my side. He wrote something I couldn't quite see on the palm of my hand gently. "Give me a call."

He pressed the pen into my hand and I almost thought he was going to hold my hand for a second.

He made eye contact with me again and I couldn't help but blush again.

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now