Thirty/The End.

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The road trip home was amazing for lack of a better word. Jack and I took turns driving my truck, while Danny and Ollie did the same in thier van. The guys had loaded Jack's motorcycle into the back of the van with the rest of thier things. It had been a very precarious process which ended with a lot of cursing on Jack's part. Thankfully, nothing had been damaged.

Driving was much more fun with company, and we were all getting along greatly. Singing along to the radio with Jack was one of my favorite parts. I think it was safe to say that we were developing a great friendship, too. There was a lot of time to talk and just 'rage around' as he called it. He always knew what to say and do to make me laugh.

We made our first pit stop just outside of Niagara Falls and found another RV park to stay for the night. Since Jack was twenty one, I didn't need to call Damon for help in securing a spot.

After a good night's sleep, we got an early start and drove to the falls. Like the girl I am, I took a lot of pictures and with the help of 'the girls' and a few tricks I've picked up lately, I convinced one of the tour guides that the four of us were from a travel magazine and wanted to do a video blog of the place. The sucker let us in for free and we made a big show of pretending to be vloggers. We took turns filming each other with our phones and got quite a few strange looks as we were on the boat. It was so much fun.

Finally we made it across the border back into the United States and drove six and a half hours to New York City. I splurged and got us hotel rooms at a cheap Holiday Inn. I was dying to sleep on a real bed.

We spent two days there, one to recuperate from a late night of properly partying in the hotel. And the second to take in the sights, like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty. We took a break around noon to eat pizza in an authentic NYC pizza place right on Times Square. I took tons of pictures of everything and even found some amazing street art to show Jeremy when I got home.

Before we left, we rode the subway and even hailed a taxi to take us back to the hotel. But, before we crashed for the night, I spotted a sign in a bar window advertising an open mic night. Danny and Ollie begged off talking about exhaustion, but J.C. and I went in and to our surprise, they were having a contest. Best performance won five hundred dollars. We decided to sing a very different version of Gives You Hell together. I couldn't believe how much fun we had. What I still couldn't believe, is that we won.

J.C. said it was the best paid gig he had ever done. To which I replied that I wasn't joining his band no matter how much he begged me.

All in all, the guys had made this the best road trip ever and we were only halfway there. Only about eight hours were left till we made it back to Mystic Falls and I had mixed emotions about going back to reality.

I definately hoped things weren't as miserable as they were when I left. Tyler and Stefan were gone as far as I knew. And, I'm pretty sure Damon had told me that Bonnie had been at her dad's for the summer. Jeremy had gotten a job at the grill with Matt. Other than that, I knew nothing. Damon was a little light on the details when we talked.

Either way in about another day or so and I'd be home.


Around eight pm, I pull into a gas station and nudge J.C. awake .

"Hey. It's your turn to buy gas." I tell him, as he's opening his eyes.

"Food, smokes, gas. Then we stop somewhere for the night." He replies and pinches my leg.

"Fine. Go on." Pushing him out, he scratches at his head and flips me off good naturedly.

I stretch my arms and watch as Ollie and Danny follow J.C. inside. Ollie waves at me and I wave back.

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now