Twenty Eight.

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"Ugh." I moan into my pillow. "Coffee. Stat."

My head is pounding and my eyes hurt. Hell, my whole body hurts a little. I must have my first real hangover.

"Tell me about it. Mornings are the worst." A very familiar british voice says quietly beside me and last night comes flooding back to me in flashes.

J.C.'s warm hands slide around my bare waist as he pulls me closer to him.

"Is it always this bad?"

His face burrows into the side of my neck, tickling me a bit.

"No. You get used to it."

"Oh, god. We slept together and I... oh, god! I'm crazy. I've definitely gone bananas." I sit up with wide eyes.

He laughs heartily and turns onto his back. "In your defense, tomorrow night is the full moon. Pent up energy and rage are standard."

I turn to stare incredulously at him. Seeing his tattoos across his chest and stomach makes me hesitate before continuing.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure stabbing myself in the leg just to see how quick it heals isn't standard."

"My favorite part was after when you got so turned on by all the blood, you ripped my shirt in half and threw me on the bed. That was bloody sexy. Literally."

I groan and bury my head in my hands. I feel his hand on my lower back.

"Shame isn't what you should feel. You aren't human, Devon. You don't have to have the same standards. We're part animal. Animals are wild not ruthless. You aren't a monster."

I look over at him speechless. Part of me believed he had a point. But, at the same time I knew there was a line in there somewhere I couldn't cross.

"It did feel exhilarating to just let go for once." I reply with a small smile.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Your all bloody."

"So are you. I think it's in your hair."

He grins goofily. "Well, you were all over me."

I bite my lip just remembering how I had been last night. I had never been that way with Tyler.

He raises a bushy eyebrow and says, "We can always have another go at it."

I purse my lips as I think about it. Before I can answer, his lips are on mine.


A few hours later, I'm pulling into an RV park alone. I had dropped J.C. off at his hotel room to meet up with his friends. I pull up to the office and ring the bell. An elderly woman comes to the window and slides a window back.

"Hello, dear. How can I help you?"

"I want to rent a spot for a couple days."

"Alright, I'll need a credit card and identification."

I hand her both. She disappears for a moment and comes back with a concerned expression.

"Oh, dear. I'm afraid I can't help you without a parent with you."

"You can speak to my legal quardian. He'll be here shortly, but he wanted me to get everything set up while he's busy." I lie to her.

She frowns. I pull out my phone and dial Damon. I've had to do this a few times so, we have the whole routine down. Somehow he always convinces people to let me stay.

"Find a live one yet?" Damon answers.

"No. I'm trying to rent a spot again."

"Right. Let me talk to them."

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now