Twenty Two.

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I had Damon pretend to be my foster dad and call me absent into school. I didn't want to see Tyler yet. I really just wanted to mope around or stay in bed. Damon finally made me put pants on after he found me wandering around the study in the late morning.

"As much as I love the female form, Devon, I'd really appreciate it if you put some pants on." He blinked at me as I found his liquor table.

Opening a glass decanter, I sniffed it. "Is this bourbon?"

"Yes." He replied with a heavy sign.

I poured a glass as full as I could.

"Easy there. You trying to be day drunk?" He asks me.

Shrugging, I drink from the glass until my throat burns from the harshness.

"Alright. For god's sake, go get dressed."

"Fine." I groan and take the glass with me down the hall and up the stairs.

I pass a woman with short hair. She gives me a wide berth on the stairs and I flip her off.

"Who the hell is that?" I hear her ask Damon behind me.

"Apparently, my friend. She's going through some things." He says sarcastically.

"Is it smart to have her here, right now?" The woman asks.

"I'll take her home later. She just needs some time." He responds.

I reach the top of the stairs and find the room where Damon brought my bag. I pull the black ripped jeans and leather jacket out but leave Tyler's shirt on. Taking a drink, I pull my ipod out and put my earbuds in my ears. I press play and turn the volume up all the way. S.O.S. by Good Charlotte starts playing and I climb up in the huge dusty bed.

Before the song is over, my glass is empty and I've already got the warm fuzzies.

Alone I Break by Korn starts to play when I get up to go back to the study.

Once I make my way downstairs, Damon is waiting for me in the doorway.

I pull a headphone out. "I only came to get more."

"Aren't you depressing. Look, I got the call."

I look up at him while I pour another glass full of bourbon. "Oh?"

"Take a seat." He motions towards the couch in front of me.

I do but look at the woman standing beside him. "I really don't want your girlfriend here."

He looks at the woman. "Rose isn't my..."

"He's not my..." The woman says at the same time.

"Whatever." I shrug and drink from my glass again.

"Anyway. My... contact... believes that your birth certificate originated in Canada, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's where your from."

"That's it?" I scoff. "I might be from Canada and my last name was supposed to be Devine?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "I didn't have to help you, Devon."

"Yeah. Thanks. It's more than I had to go on before." I chug the rest of my glass.


Over the next twenty four hours, I stay drunk. I just tell my mom that I'm sick.

Tyler never calls. I get texts and missed calls from Katie, Matt and Jeremy. I even had a text from Caroline saying how worried Tyler was. If he really was, he'd call me himself.

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now