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I groan as Tyler kisses my neck. I open my eyes to see him smiling slightly down at me.


"Is it already?" I groan again.

He brushes hair out of my face. "Thanks for staying with me last night."

"You really think I would leave you after something like that?" I ask.

"No. But, I know last night was rough. How's your cheek feel?" He brushes his fingers over my scratch.

"It's nothing. I'm more worried about you."

He shakes his head. "I'll deal. I have a while, right."

I nod. "And, I'll be there every step of the way."

He smiles and kisses me gently. "I know. I love you, Devon."

"I love you, too." I smile back. "Crap. What time is it?"

"A little after seven. Why?"

I push the blanket off my naked body. Apparently, I had forgotten to put Tyler's shirt back on after our emotional tumble in the sheets. It had been rougher and more intense than usual, but still amazing.

"I'm getting my cast off today. I gotta go." I go to get out of bed and groan. "Ugh. I forgot about my dress. That'll be awkward."

He laughs lightly. "Just wear some of my basketball shorts, then."

"Yeah?" I ask and turn to him.

He nods. "Go ahead. Can't have my girl looking all walk of shame when she leaves my house."

"How can you make jokes right now?"

"Easier to not think about stuff I can't change."

I nod back, and put my bra and panties back on.

"Although you could stay in bed with me a while longer and I can cut that cast off myself later." He grins.

I shake my head at him. "Not gonna happen, Tyler."

"Fine. Second to last drawer on my dresser."

I open the drawer and pull out a pair of silky, black shorts. I slip them on and pull the drawstrings tighter since I'm a bit smaller waisted than him.

"Sexy." He says from the bed.

I smirk and grab the baggy tshirt from last night off the floor. Slipping it on, I say, "How nineties do I look right now?"

He laughs. "Very."

"Great." I hurry towards the bed and kiss him quickly. "I'll see you at school later."


"I'm glad you could join us today, Devon." Mr. Saltzman says with a smile as I enter the classroom.

"Sorry, Mr. Saltzman. I've got a pass." I return his smile and hand him my pass explaining my absence.

He notices my newly free arm. "I see you no longer have a plaster arm."

I nod happily. "Thank god."

I take my seat next to Matt. He looks over and points at his own still plastered arm.

"Lucky." He whispers as Mr. Saltzman continues with his lecture.

I grin. "How much longer you got?" I whisper back to him.

"A week." He looks back at the board.

I glance around the room and notice quite a few faces are missing including Elena, Stefan and Aimee Bradley.

Bring Me To Life [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now