2: May I Have Some Löøps?

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After my shower, I decide to retreat back to my room, I don't have friends here, only acquaintances. I don't like getting too attached to people or things, it only leads to sadness and despair. Some of the trainee nurses bring me my medication that I don't even know the name of. Nobody as ever been with me long enough to explain anything, because I'm 'such a handful'. Lindsey came back, looking like she was ready for me this time, little did she know, I had a trick up my sleeve.

She had come back with some Fruit Loops in a white bowl. I can't understand how people like this colorful childrens crap. "Eat up Gerard, you have a big day today." Fuck my life. Whenever one of the trainees says this, it usually means today I'm going ro be surrounded by my worst fear. Needles. I hate eveything about them, ever since I can remember I have always hated needles, sometimes to the extent of passing out if I knew I was going near them. I feel a wave of nausea wash over me, I couldn't have this today, or any day. I begrudgingly took my pills, having a terrible urge to spit them out. "Are you okay?" Lindsey asks, looking at me genuinely concerned. I feel like talking to her, but I don't want to show that I'm weak. I bite my lip, lowering my guard, she looks at me. "You're gonna be fine! Trust me!" She says, her happiness slightly cheering me up, but not avoiding the fact that I'll be stabbed by a needle. I look back to my breakfast, it looks as though the Fruit Loops got waterlogged, and there were certainly no survivors. I eat what I want to (which isn't much) and give the bowl back to her, she takes it away and leaves me to mentally prepare for my injections. I throw on a relatively clean khaki shirt, and sit on my bed, trying to tell myself it isn't going to be as bad I think it will be, which (in all honesty) doesn't help at all.

I drag me feet toward my least favorite room in this entire hell hole. I swallow my pride, and sit at the chair, Lindsey escorted me, but she has since left, leaving a slightly empty space where her infectious joy once sat. The other nurse that comes in scowls at me, as I usually put up quite the fight when she tries to take my blood with a needle. Just thinking about the word is bad enough. "You gonna try and run?" The withered old woman asks. I think of my options before shaking my head, I may as well try to nicen up for at least a day. She looks at me uncertainely, before prepping all of her equiptment. She turns back around, a giant needle in hand. "Sharp sting Gerard." She says, a wicked smile on her face.

Wow hello yall, sorry for the long chapter :p

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