8: Why Is My Self Esteem So Bad?

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Frank hadn't left my side all day and all night since the accident, I felt special, in the fact that someone actually cares about me, and even loves me at that point. I'm currently terrifyed that Jacquie could come through the door, and take me away from the cutest boy on this planet. I like being near him, it makes me feel good. We just lie there, holding each other, both of us under a blanket of happiness. We both hear a sharp knock on the door. Frank gets up and opens it, to reveal Jacquie. Ugh why does she have to show up when Frank and I are having some time together. "So Gerard, I'n changing your medication to
Paroxetine, you might get some of these things happen, but don't worry, these usually go away in a couple of weeks." She hands over a sheet of paper with all the side effects. "Th-thank you f-for l-looking after Ge-gerard." Frank says, a big cheesy smile on his face. Jacquie looks back at him, just before she opens the door. "You're welcome, Frank." Frank glances over the side effects. A worried look clouds his face. "What?" I ask, and he looks at me. "N-nothing." He says back, lying next to me on my bed.

We spend the rest of the day in one anothers company, telling jokes, stories and our favourite things. When it's time for dinner, we both go out together, holding hands, not caring if we get seen. "Hey guys!" Amelia says, looking at us suspiciously. "H-hey." Frank says back. I do a little wave thing with my free hand. Gracie is looking at some random kid with black hair and green eyes across the room, looking like she is gonna attack him or something. Yet again, I do not question. The rest of the evening flys by, no-one remembering how they got to what they where talking about.

At the end of dinner, I head back to my room, Frank still following me. I open the door and turn on the light to find another bed in my room, I feel like this is something Ray would do, as he seems cool with pretty much everything. Frank is beaming, and so am I. He leans in for a kiss, which I give him, and we go into our separate beds.

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