13: *incoherent gay screeching*

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Everyone at our table turns their attention to Frank and I. I sit silently, I didn't want to talk about any of that stuff in front of everyone. But then again, they are my best friends. "I read my file." I mumble, feeling tears sting my eyes, I'm not sure why though. "What?" Loki says, as he was sitting at the far end of the table. Amelia translates my mumbles for Loki, so that he understands whats going on. "What was in it?" Gracie asks, putting a supportive hand on my shoulder. A tear falls, and splashes onto the table. "Someth-thing terrible." Frank says, rubbing my back. Amelia looks at me sympathetically, not sure what to say or do. Gracie doesn't ask what was in my file. We all sit in silence for a little while, Loki looking at the floor, Amelia looking at the three of us, and Gracie looking at Frank and I.

All I'm able to think about is my brother. He could be stalking me, waiting for the right time to kill everyone here, saving my friends until last, or torturing them, and watching my pain fill my eyes, and roll down my cheeks. "We'll pr-protect you Gee." Frank says, weakly smiles at me. Gracie nods and Amelia  says an enthusicastic, but confused 'yeah!' Like she didnt know what she signed up for. "I think I need some time to think." I say before leaving the table, Gracie and Frank following. "Are you sure you're okay?" Gracie asks, I turn around, and I snap, I don't know why, something inside of me just broke, in some sense. "I'm not okay! I want some time to calm down after what I just found out! Is that too much to ask for?!" Frank and Gracie both look hurt and I instantly regret those words from escaping my lips. They turn to leave, my heart wanting to say sorry, but my brain not letting me. I slam my door behind me. "Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!" I scream, hitting myself in the face with all my might, and slam my face onto the metal headboard of the bed, making my nose bleed, and get a black eye. I feel like I had just fucked up two of my most important relationships. I lay on the floor and cry, nothing else, just cry.

I'm a complete wreck by the time Frank comes back into our room. My face is covered in dried blood and bruises, my lip is split, and my face is tear stained. "Ge-gerard! What ha-have you done?" Frank asks, sounding panicked. "What I felt I needed to." I mumble through the pain in my face. He looks at me sadly, before pulling me into a tight embrace, being careful not to touch any of the bruises on my face. "Do-don't do that a-again!" He says sadly, yet angrily. "It-it'll take m-more than that t-to get rid of m-me." He says, looking me dead in the eyes. "What does Gracie think of me?" He looks down. "Sh-she thinks y-you had to let that o-out sometime." I look at him hopefully. "Does she hate me?" He looks away slightly. "....no." he says, still not looking at me. "Tell me the truth Frankie, does Gracie hate me?" Frank looks like his mood has lightened a bit. "No, she d-doesn't, she s-said its unders-standable t-to feel that way, but n-next time, don't t-take i-it out on us, okay?" I nod, still thinking about what I did. "It will never happen again, and thats a promise." I say as Frank gently kisses my forehead. The lights then go out, and I then fall into a painful, deep dark sleep.

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