15: Real Estate Protection

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By the time I had finished, Gracie and Loki had already left, probably hanging out with one another outside. Amelia and Frank were awaiting my return, quietly chatting to themselves. "H-hey." Frank says as I sit down.
"Hey." I say, as he wraps him arm around my shoulder. Amelia smiles and waves, and I wave back. We all sit on the same bench, all in a comforable silence. I didn't see Jessica, Gracie or Loki while patrolling the scene, I sigh, wondering where they were. "Where were you?" Amelia questions. "I...uhm..." Frank looks concerned. "You c-can tell u-us." Frank stutters. I don't want to say anything, but I don't want them to get suspicious. "I was, looking for Jessica." I lie through my teeth. "Oh, okay." Amelia says, looking relieved. Frank gives me a saddned look, I think he can tell that I'm lying.

Amelia pulls me away from Frank, taking me to the other side of the table, she thinks that Frank can't hear her. "Whats this for, Amelia?" I ask her, she looks at me angrily. "I am not Amelia." I look at her, confused. "My name is Barry." My brain is questioning everything I currently know at this stage. "Okay then.....Barry?" I say, backing away and sitting with Frank.

Later that day, at dinner, Gracie and Loki come back, sitting with us. Our whole squad, together again. "How was your day?" I say as loud as I can, through my now swollen, split lip. "Good." They all say in unison, noone ellaborating on what actually happened. Time goes by extremely quickly, the lights going out before I even realise what's going on. "Frank," I ask into the darkness. "Y-yeah?" He says, I hear him roll over. "Can you sleep with me?" I hear him walk towards my bed, and get in,  the sheets rustling. I feel safe in his arms, warming up, as it was slightly cold tonight. I fall asleep, opening my eyes into a dream. Frank rides his bike next to me, looking at me happily. "Can't c-catch me!" He says, speeding off into the distance. "Wait up!"  I say, trying to catch up to him. We arrive to an apartment, ditching the bikes outside, and walking into an elevator, and pressing a button to get to the 4th floor. We go down a hall to find that our door is open. "You closed the door, didn't you Frank?" Frank nods. I step inside, calling out a very shaky 'hello'. I step into the kitchen to see Mikey sitting on the table, a knife in his hand. "Gerard..." Frank stops and gasps, Mikey throwing a knife straight through my heart. I lay on the floor, in a pool of blood. I reach a shaky hand out to Frank before everything goes black. I wake up, clutching Frank, gasping for air and trying not to cry. "What ha-happened?" Frank questions, sleepily. "We had escaped, started over in life." my voice begins to tremble, I wanted  to escape here. "And Mikey broke into our place, killing me, we were so happy, and then it ended." He holds me, kissing the top of my head. "I'm h-here, and I al-always will be." I start crying into his chest, he runs his hand through my black, mid-length hair. I wanted to leave, but my fear of Mikey grew with each passing dream.

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