5: Fucking Androids

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Lindsey's demeanor was worse today, she seemed really really sad, like she was depressed or bipolar, like me. "How are you today, Lindsey?" I ask her, and she just sighs and hands me my meds. I thought of her as a friend, and I even I don't like seeing people like this. She looks at me, eyes filled with tears. "Can I talk to you?" I nod, I'm not very good at helping, but I'm good at listening. She tells me what's going on, including how her girlfriend doesn't treat her properly. I tried giving some advice, but that had no effect. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you more." I said sadly. She shakes her head. "Its my fault for giving that to you." I feel horrible when people say things like that, I'm here to support them, not make them feel worse. Lindsey tidies herself up and leaves with a weak smile. "See you later."

In the cafeteria, I find Gracie throwing sugar packets at people. One hits someone, and she roars 'You just got Loki'd!' I shake my head and laugh, how did Frank even meet this ball of craziness. A short time later, two nurses come and take Gracie away to her room, to calm her down, hopefully she'll be back soon. "Hey Frank!" I said excitedly, sitting across from him. Why is he super cute? "H-hey Gee." He says, smiling at me, staring back at me. Suddenly, a tall, blonde haired girl who I don't recognize, comes over and sits down next to Frank. "I'm Amelia!" She says cheerfully, putting her hand up for a high-five, which I give her. "Wow, your hands are cold!" She exclaims. I nod back, Frank smiling at me as if to say 'Its okay' I smile back. Grace isn't back yet, I hope she's okay.

After breakfast, Frank takes Amelia and I to Gracie's room, to see her. I knock and a nurses voice says "Go away." We turn away, and Frank goes to leave. "We aren't going anywhere!" I exclaim, and I hear the nurses whisper to one another. I hear the door unlock and it swings open. Gracie looks to be under some anesthetic, or another form of sleeping drug. "She has this to calm her down." I feel like screaming at them that this isn't helping Gracie, it's probably slowly killing her. I can see Frank,clearly concerned about her wellbeing. Amelia looks saddened, glaring at the nurses occasionally. This day almost as horrible as when I first got here. I just hope Gracie is going to be okay.

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