14: Sneaky Snek Boi

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I decide the next day to make amends with Gracie, and to apologize for my actions. When Ray sees me in the morning, he looks rather shocked. My face hurts a whole lot more this morning. "What happened?!" He asks, looking alarmed. "I did it to myself." I wince as I talk. "Do you want someone to take a look at this?" Ray asks, still concerned as fuck. I shake my head. "I'll be alright," I say with a pained smile, "I've survived worse." I say pointing to the scar on my neck. Ray sighs and hands Frank and I our pills. "You tell me if it gets worse." I nod.

When I enter the cafeteria, Amelia, Gracie and Loki rush over to my side. "What happened?" I'm surprised that Loki was the first one to say anything today. "Me." I say, wincing as I speak. Gracie and Amelia gasp in unison. "I wanted to say sorry for yesterday Gracie, I'm a crappy person. Can you forgive me?" She nods, and sighs. "Promise that you won't do that again!" She says sadly. "I promise, never ever again." She hugs me, holding me really tightly. I have my pills with breakfast, wincing as the water hits my lips. Frank squeezes my hand under the table, making me smile.

I had a thought at the table this morning. Why were Amelia, Gracie, Frank and Loki in here for? So, I decided to do a little bit of snooping around for myself in Jacquie's office. Luckily she wasn't there today, she isn't here every day. Some days, like today, she took them off. If I could escape here, I would too. Luckily, the file cabinets weren't locked, so I got into them easily. I found Gracie's and went through that. I found out that Gracie was an amazing dancer, and was in the middle of a competiton and she broke down because there were horrible voices telling her terrible things. They had to bring her here, Gracie's dancing dreams ruined. Wow, that sounds tragic, getting shot down while doing something you love. Next, I find Loki's. Apparently they found him in a gutter, on the side of a road, tape on his mouth and wrists. He was speaking gibberish and they had to teach him english all over again. His brain is still scrambled, claiming he's from 'Asguard'. Hmm... Amelia's was next, she was a star student, and a good friend to basically everyone, then she broke, she basically killed someone and wound up in here. My suspicions were confirmed, she does have D.I.D. Last, but not least, was Frank's file. Damn, his is depressing. He tried to end his life, he got put into an induced coma, his parents disowned him because he's gay, and now he's here. After reading the files, I quietly close the drawer and the door, pretending that nothing happend.

I clean myself up, my face hurting like anything, but at least my face isn't covered in blood anymore.

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