9: Bitch Lasagna

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Thank YouGotLokid for the video.

The next morning, Ray wakes Frank and I up, double checks our medication, and gives it to us, I have to take mine with food, so i'll have it at breakfast. "Th-thanks R-ray." Frank says. "Thanks." I say, Ray smiles. "Happy to help." We then both leave for breakfast, looking for Amelia, Gracie, or Jessica as we walk towards the cafeteria, we soon spot Gracie naruto running towards the cafeteria, she stops dead in her tracks when she sees us. "Ah suh dudes." Gracie says as she approaches. "Suh." I say back, holding back a giggle, Frank was smiling at Gracie and I. "Hit or miss?" Gracie yells as soon as we enter the room. There is a really faint 'I guess they never miss, huh.' from the other side of the room, and I'm almost convinced that it was Ray.

The green eyed boy from yesterday sits next to Gracie, they talk and laugh and Frank and I feel totally out of the loop. This morning I guess the chef decided to be nice and made us pancakes, Frank basically vacuuming them up, I guess he was hungry. I take my pills with the glass of water they always give us in the mornings, for once I wish they'd give us juice or something. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself," says the green eyed boy. "My name is Loki." He extends a hand to shake, I shake his hand. "I'm Gerard, and this is-" Loki cuts me off. "I've already met him." I make the personified version of the ÒwÓ face, Gracie instantly doing it back. I suddenly start feeling dizzy, everything swaying, making me nauseous. "You o-okay Ge-gerard?" Frank asks, I say a muffled 'Yup' before. I only just realised why I felt like this, it was on the side effects sheet that Jacquie gave me. I think Frank caught my vibe because he suddenly looked like he knew too. He protects me from falling backwards by wrapping his left arm around my shoulders. Amelia looks like she's about to explode, I think she ships us. Gracie looks slightly worried, but has seen that Frank has the situation under control. He decides to take me back to our room, to give me a bit of a rest. Frank helps me up, Amelia, Gracie and Loki close behind. It makes me feel kind of special to know that these people care about me.

A/N I didnt know where this chapter was going so uh,,,,,hope you enjoyed it??

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