12: Hit Or Miss? I Guess They Never Miss Huh

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The next morning, after Ray had woken Frank and I up, and after breakfast, I marched over to Jacquie's door. I pound on the door, I want answers, I need answers. "Gerard, good to see you." She says sarcastically. "Wheres your little friend?" She asks. My face feels hot, I left him with the others, hopefully he'll be okay. "With my friends, like the ones that you'll never have." I reply smartly. She smirks. "Good one." Jacquie replies. "Now, why are you here?" I swallow, my throat becoming dry. "I want answers." I say in a louder voice, and I hear someone rushing down the hall. It's Frank.

He runs over to me and stands beside me. "Answers to what?" She says, peering at me. "I want answers...about....Mikey." I say sadly, yet angrily. She looks shocked. "H-how did you know about him?" She stammers. She knew this whole time, and never brought it up. She asks me how I knew about this again, and I repeat the statement, 'I want answers'. Jacquie finally gives in, and she leads me into her office. "Take a seat Gerard, and Frank, could you please close the door?" He does that and sits next to me. Jacquie sifts through all the files of everyone here, I see Gracie's, Amelia's and even Loki's, but no sign of Frank's or mine. She pulls out a folder from in her bag, it reads 'Way, Gerard Arthur.' I've never seen my file before, come to think of it, I'd never seen anyone's file before. "The medics found you, bleeding out on the floor." Jacquie says, looking at my file rather sadly. "There was a bullet lodged into the top of your throat, its lucky that it didnt hit your windpipe, or your voicebox." She sighs, and I feel Frank hold my hand. "They found out that your younger brother Mikey did it, but they never found him." I shudder, he could be waiting for his chance to attack me, watching and waiting for me to go outside. "As soon as you were fixed, the paramedics decided to send you here, its the safest and best place for you." I sigh, looking at the floor. "Before Lindsey...left us, she handed me in a report for you." The trainees normally handed in reports for the patients that they looked after, whether they were good or bad, they got stored into their file, so every new trainee knew what to expect. Jacquie handed it to me, so I could read it, I really don't know what to expect.

A report on Gerard Way
By Lindsey Ballato

Gerard seems like quite an interesting person. The way in which he acts, and interacts with the people around him, can differ from time to time. I haven't been around him much, but I can tell that he is more than what he seems, or thinks he is. I wonder what she meant by that? He treated me better than I had expected him to, his other reports leading me to believe he was some form of the devil himself,but in reality, I don't think they got to know him better. He seemed really easy to talk to, and in my opinion deserved a second chance. Gerard, if you ever read this, I'm telling you the truth, and I mean everything I've written. Stay safe, and just know that I'm happier now. I blink in the realisation that these were probably her last words to anyone. I feel a wave of emotion wash over me, I don't know what to call it though. I hand the report back to Jacquie, she puts it neatly back into my file, making sure that none of the edges were going to get dog-eared. "Wow." I say, still in shock. "You wanted answers, and you got them, are you happy now?" Jacquie says, empty of all emotion when she talked. "Thanks for that." I say, Frank and I then leave her office and head to the cafeteria, as it was lunchtime.

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