19: The Sass Queen Strikes Back

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Gerard's POV

This place is worse than Jacquie's office, something I discovered the minute I woke up in here. I hear the keypad get tapped. Probably just some nurses. I think to myself. I suddenly realise, that two of them are far too short to be nurses, the tallest two looking like actual nurses. "Gerard, it's us." Amelia whispers under her breath. "Hey guys." I say, keeping quiet, no matter how much I want to yell at how happy I am to see them. They tell me the plan, we all escape, tonight and move out of town, all together. "Ready?" Frank asks. "Ready." I found out that Frank had packed some of my stuff up, so thoughtful of him. We escape through the opened door, so far everything going off without a hitch. We hear someone coming down the hall, their footsteps sounding familiar, but I just can't put my finger on it. "Move out!" Aggressively whispers Gracie, doing a little hand signal. We all move, each of us quieter than the last. Even angsty teen Loki has stopped sulking  and gone into full alert mode.

We make it to the Cafeteria, thinking and hoping we can climb the fence, and escape to freedom. Loki had somehow ordered us a driver, from god knows where, waiting for us to get out, and jump into the car. All I can think about is freedom. For some reason, the floor feels really slippery, and I mentally tell my clumsy ass not to fall over. I don't, but someone else does, the person following us. "Guess who?" They say, I can hear the smirk in their voice. I make a break for it, so does the rest of the crew. I hear a gun load, and I hear Loki, Gracie, Amelia and Frank all gasp in unison. It was Mikey. Jacquie was there too, also with a gun, a pistol in fact. They both open fire, the blinding light, and disorienting clang of bullets, making my head spin, reminding me of last time this happend. Amelia gives all of us a boost to get over the fence, as we were too short to get up in a rush. She is almost over the fence, and a single shot is fired. She stops moving, she stops everything. The night felt colder. We hide in the bushes that surrounded the area, all of us already in black, making us harder to see.

Loki's getaway driver shows up right on time, well a little bit early, but who's judging right now. We all clamber in and speed off, Jacquie and Mikey making a terrible attempt to shoot at the car. A wave of nausea washed through me in the realisation that we were down a member, my heart sinking even further with the realization that Gracie was crying. I hug her, she hugs me back. We don't say much, Loki and the driver (who doesn't remotely look old enough to drive) talk about what's happening, and in between Gracie's sobs, I hear parts of their talk. "Uncle Loki, are you sure that Mr. Stark would be okay with this?" He says, trying to keep his chocolate brown eyes on the road. "Yes, he's fine with it." Loki lies, making the boy driving smile a little bit. Not gonna lie, he's kinda cute. Gerard, you have a boyfriend, stop tryna get your gay ass another boyfriend. I think to myself. Gracie has fallen asleep, her head on my shoulder, and so has Frank. I smile, both of them are kind of cute when they sleep. Loki says for the driver to introduce himself. "Hi, my name's Peter, Peter Parker." I can hear the smile in his voice. "Well, uhm, I'm Gerard, Gerard Way." I had to stop for a minute there because I almost said 'I'm gay'. "Nice to meet you then." Peter says, looking into his wing mirror. "Who are the other two?" My heart sank, as Amelia wasn't here. "This one here," I say, pointing to Gracie. "Is a living meme named Gracie." Peter smiles. "Whose the cutie?" He asks, blushing slightly. "This is my boyfriend Frank." Ooh you should see his face! "I- uhm- sorry." He pulls off a weak smile. "Its alright," I say, stroking Frank's hair as rain starts to drip down the sides of the car. "He is pretty cute."

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