10: Look At How Cute These Pens Are

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Just a quick warning, makeout session in this chapter. Making sure yall safe. Gets a little...uhm...intresting. Yall can skip if you want. But that also means you'll have to wait for the next chapter, now onward to the story!

Later that day, after I had calmed down from my 'episode', Gracie, Amelia and Loki go off, talking about movies and books and what not, leaving Frank and I alone together. "What d-do you w-want to d-do?" He asks, smirking at me and blushing slightly. How is he so adorable. "You tell me." I say back with a small shrug. He kisses me with passion, pulling me over to his side of the bed, pulling at my shirt. We stop when we hear a knock at the door. "C-come in." Frank stutters, and in walks Ray. "Jacquie wants to see you both." Both of us are kind of blushing in the realisation that Ray could've walked in on us.

We walk into her office, opening the creaky door. She swivels around in her giant chair. "How are you feeling today Gerard?" Jacquie questions, looking me dead in the eyes. "Good." I respond, trying to look at something else instead of the extremely annoying head doctor. She continues asking me questions, as if we are playing some form of guessing game. Finally after she's finished rambling on, we get to escape.

Some people are sitting in the cafeteria, those people including Gracie, Amelia and the new kid, Loki. Amelia has a full apple in her mouth, Gracie cringing and Loki, laughing so hard that he's crying. They look like they're having fun, but Frank and I hav3 no intention of joining them, we have something else on our minds, something to get back to. We head back into our room, closing the door and wishing we could lock it. I sit down, Frank sitting beside me. "Should w-we pick up wh-where we l-left off?" He says, his stutter becoming less noticeable. I nod. "Only if you want to." He smiles, pulling me closer, kissing me fiercely. He pulls me down on top of him. I kiss his neck, making sure not to make a mark. He moans slightly, smiling at the same time. He kisses me, but nips my neck accidentally, I let out a small pleasure moan, as Frank moves his mouth back up to mine, slipping his tongue in. At this point in time, we don't care if anyone walks in, we only care about our passion and love for one another.

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